Billionaire’s Shocking Death: 91-Year-Old Tycoon Passes Away Months After Marrying Younger Wife

Billionaire's Shocking Death: 91-Year-Old Tycoon Passes Away Months After Marrying Younger Wife
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Billionaire’s Demise: Austrian Tycoon Richard Lugner Passes Away at 91

Aus­tri­an bil­lion­aire Richard Lugn­er has died at the age of 91, just two months after mar­ry­ing his sixth wife, Simone Reilän­der, who was 42 years old.

Lugner’s Remarkable Life and Legacy

Lugn­er, a con­struc­tion tycoon from Vien­na, had a sto­ried career that spanned decades.

Born in 1932, he had a gen­er­al school edu­ca­tion before grad­u­at­ing from the Fed­er­al Tech­ni­cal and Com­mer­cial Col­lege, where he spe­cial­ized in build­ing construction.

He start­ed work­ing for a con­struc­tion com­pa­ny in Aus­tri­a’s cap­i­tal before obtain­ing his license as a build­ing con­trac­tor and estab­lish­ing his own suc­cess­ful business.

Lugner’s Entrepreneurial Endeavors

Lugn­er’s com­pa­ny went on to become renowned for con­struct­ing Vien­na’s first mosque and the city’s main syn­a­gogue, the Stadttempel. 

The late bil­lion­aire also pro­ceed­ed to build his own shop­ping mall, Lugn­er City, which became a sig­nif­i­cant part of his legacy.

In 1990, upon the mal­l’s open­ing, Lugn­er invit­ed Amer­i­can singer Har­ry Bela­fonte and took him to the pres­ti­gious Vien­na Opera Ball, a tra­di­tion he would con­tin­ue in the years to come.

Celebrities and the Vienna Opera Ball

Over the years, Lugn­er invit­ed a host of well-known celebri­ties to vis­it Lugn­er City and attend the Vien­na Opera Ball as his guests. 

Some of the famous names he host­ed includ­ed Goldie Hawn, Kim Kar­dashi­an and Kris Jen­ner, Raquel Welch, Jane Fon­da, and Priscil­la Presley.

Tributes and Condolences

Fol­low­ing Lugn­er’s pass­ing, trib­utes have poured in from var­i­ous sources, includ­ing the Lugn­er City shop­ping cen­ter and the coun­try’s chan­cel­lor, Karl Nehammer.

The grief and admi­ra­tion for the “great Richard Lugn­er” and his “refresh­ing uncon­ven­tion­al­i­ty” are evi­dent in the heart­felt messages.

Lugn­er is sur­vived by his four chil­dren: Jacque­line, Nadine, Alexan­der, and Andreas, who will undoubt­ed­ly car­ry on his remark­able legacy.

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