Black Texas Cop Falsely Accused of Rape After Threesome with White Neighbor

Black Texas Cop Falsely Accused of Rape After Threesome with White Neighbor
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Black Cop’s Nightmare Begins with False Accusation

A black cop named Fred­die Dou­glas, 43, faced a night­mare after he was false­ly accused of rap­ing his best friend’s white neigh­bor in a three­some on his birthday.

Until his arrest in Decem­ber, Dou­glas was a respect­ed detec­tive at the El Cam­po Police Depart­ment since 2011 and had been named Offi­cer of the Year for 2020.

Charges Dropped, but Damage Already Done

The charges against Dou­glas were ulti­mate­ly dropped in March after a Bra­zo­ria Coun­ty Grand Jury found no basis for them.

How­ev­er, the dam­age was already done. Dou­glas had to be bailed out by his elder­ly moth­er, sell his house to pay legal fees, and faced shun­ning from his col­leagues and neigh­bors in the small town of El Campo.

Security Footage Proves Innocence

The law­suit filed by Dou­glas and his friend John Marks, who was also accused, claimed that Marks’ home secu­ri­ty cam­eras record­ed the entire encounter and showed the sex was consensual. 

Despite this evi­dence, police and pros­e­cu­tors per­sist­ed in try­ing to con­vict the men.

Lawsuit and Seeking Justice

Dou­glas and Marks have filed sep­a­rate law­suits against the City of Man­v­el, three Man­v­el police offi­cers, and the neigh­bor, Aman­da Zaw­ieruszyn­s­ki, for civ­il rights vio­la­tions, defama­tion and mali­cious prosecution. 

They are seek­ing all avail­able dam­ages, includ­ing com­pen­sato­ry, puni­tive and exem­plary dam­ages, as well as attor­ney’s fees.

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