Black Copâs Nightmare Begins with False Accusation
A black cop named FredÂdie DouÂglas, 43, faced a nightÂmare after he was falseÂly accused of rapÂing his best friendâs white neighÂbor in a threeÂsome on his birthday.
Until his arrest in DecemÂber, DouÂglas was a respectÂed detecÂtive at the El CamÂpo Police DepartÂment since 2011 and had been named OffiÂcer of the Year for 2020.
Charges Dropped, but Damage Already Done
The charges against DouÂglas were ultiÂmateÂly dropped in March after a BraÂzoÂria CounÂty Grand Jury found no basis for them.
HowÂevÂer, the damÂage was already done. DouÂglas had to be bailed out by his elderÂly mothÂer, sell his house to pay legal fees, and faced shunÂning from his colÂleagues and neighÂbors in the small town of El Campo.
Security Footage Proves Innocence
The lawÂsuit filed by DouÂglas and his friend John Marks, who was also accused, claimed that Marksâ home secuÂriÂty camÂeras recordÂed the entire encounter and showed the sex was consensual.
Despite this eviÂdence, police and prosÂeÂcuÂtors perÂsistÂed in tryÂing to conÂvict the men.
Lawsuit and Seeking Justice
DouÂglas and Marks have filed sepÂaÂrate lawÂsuits against the City of ManÂvÂel, three ManÂvÂel police offiÂcers, and the neighÂbor, AmanÂda ZawÂieruszynÂsÂki, for civÂil rights vioÂlaÂtions, defamaÂtion and maliÂcious prosecution.
They are seekÂing all availÂable damÂages, includÂing comÂpenÂsatoÂry, puniÂtive and exemÂplary damÂages, as well as attorÂneyâs fees.
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