Boeing’s Stranded Astronaut Saga Takes Troubling Turn, Threatening to Delay NASA Crew’s Return

Boeing's Stranded Astronaut Saga Takes Troubling Turn, Threatening to Delay NASA Crew's Return
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Astronauts Stranded by Starliner Issues

NASA astro­nauts Suni­ta Williams and Bar­ry Wilmore have been stuck on the Inter­na­tion­al Space Sta­tion for near­ly three months due to tech­ni­cal prob­lems with Boe­ing’s Star­lin­er spacecraft.

The duo was orig­i­nal­ly sup­posed to spend just eight days aboard the ISS.

SpaceX Rocket Setback

The sit­u­a­tion took a turn for the worse this week when a SpaceX Fal­con 9 rock­et failed to land suc­cess­ful­ly after launch­ing satel­lites into space, burst­ing into flames and top­pling over.

This lat­est inci­dent could fur­ther delay the Crew Drag­on mis­sion that is sup­posed to bring Williams and Wilmore home.

Potential for Extended Stay

The failed Fal­con 9 launch has prompt­ed an inves­ti­ga­tion by the Fed­er­al Avi­a­tion Admin­is­tra­tion, which could inter­fere with SpaceX’s time­line to launch the Crew Drag­on and retrieve the strand­ed NASA astronauts.

This rais­es the pos­si­bil­i­ty of the duo remain­ing on the ISS for even longer, poten­tial­ly until Feb­ru­ary 2025.

Reliance on SpaceX Rescue Mission

Williams and Wilmore’s only hope of return­ing to Earth is the Crew Drag­on mis­sion, which will uti­lize the Fal­con 9 rock­et. How­ev­er, the recent tech­ni­cal issues with the boost­er have raised con­cerns about the via­bil­i­ty and tim­ing of this res­cue plan.

Humiliation for Boeing, Reliance on Rival

The extend­ed delay is a major embar­rass­ment for Boe­ing, whose Star­lin­er pro­gram has strug­gled for years.

The deci­sion to have SpaceX bail out the belea­guered Star­lin­er project has fur­ther strained rela­tions between the two aero­space giants.

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