Bombshell Affair Claims Rocking the Spanish Royal Family

Bombshell Affair Claims Rocking the Spanish Royal Family
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A new book, “Letizia’s Silences” by vet­er­an roy­al reporter Jaime Peñafiel, makes explo­sive claims about an alleged long-run­ning affair between Queen Letizia of Spain and her for­mer lover Jaime del Burgo.

Accord­ing to the book, Letizia, now 51, fre­quent­ly cheat­ed on her hus­band King Felipe, 56, with del Bur­go, whom she report­ed­ly dat­ed before meet­ing Felipe in 2002. 

The book alleges that roy­al body­guards accom­pa­nied Letizia and del Bur­go on secret trips to New York City, with the infor­ma­tion report­ed­ly passed on to the “crushed and destroyed” King Felipe in “real-time.”

The book also describes an inci­dent in 2012 where an artist spot­ted Letizia trav­el­ing with a man believed to be del Bur­go on a flight from Madrid to New York, with the queen dis­creet­ly hid­ing her face. Del Bur­go has made his own claims, alleg­ing he had a long­stand­ing affair with Letizia that con­tin­ued even after her mar­riage to Felipe.

The rev­e­la­tions have report­ed­ly left the king “dev­as­tat­ed” by his wife’s “betray­al.” The book paints a pic­ture of a deeply trou­bled roy­al mar­riage, with Letizia alleged­ly tor­ment­ing Felipe and the king’s fam­i­ly said to “hate” the queen for her “pas­sive aggres­sive” nature.

Despite the bomb­shell claims, the Span­ish roy­al fam­i­ly has so far declined to com­ment. The scan­dal rais­es ques­tions about the future of the monar­chy, though the Span­ish media is expect­ed to try and pro­tect the fam­i­ly’s image, much like the British roy­al family.

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