Brazilian Woman Arrested for Alleged ‘Goodnight Cinderella’ Murder of US Businessman

Brazilian Woman Arrested for Alleged 'Goodnight Cinderella' Murder of US Businessman
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Drug-Induced Robbery Scheme Claims American Life

A Min­neso­ta busi­ness­man died in an alleged, drug-fueled rob­bery in Brazil ear­li­er this month – and police have arrest­ed a young woman for the so-called “Good­night Cin­derel­la” plot, cops said.

Victim Found Dead in Rented Apartment

D’wayne Anto­nio Mor­ris, 43, of Min­neapo­lis, was found dead in his rent­ed apart­ment in Copaca­bana, Rio de Janeiro, on Aug. 8, the local out­let g1 reported.

Mor­ris had arrived in the coun­try just one day before he died, police said. He was believed to have been drugged, which caused him to con­vulse and foam at the mouth, g1 added.

Suspect Arrested in Connection with the Murder

Letí­cia Clara Ben­to da Sil­va, 23, was iden­ti­fied by Brazil’s Civ­il Police as the prime sus­pect in Mor­ris’ death. Da Sil­va and a sec­ond, uniden­ti­fied woman alleged­ly drugged Mor­ris with GHB, a pow­er­ful depres­sant, and robbed him before flee­ing the apartment.

‘Goodnight Cinderella’ Scheme Explained

Drug-induced rob­beries in which the vic­tim is inca­pac­i­tat­ed or dazed by GHB, Rohyp­nol, or anoth­er sub­stance are known in Brazil as “Good­night Cin­derel­la” schemes. In larg­er dos­es, GHB can cause loss of con­scious­ness and res­pi­ra­to­ry depres­sion, which can result in death.

Victim’s Tragic Story and Family Left Behind

Mor­ris was the pres­i­dent and founder of Blue Waters Con­sult­ing and Soul Com­mu­ni­ty Devel­op­ment Cor­po­ra­tion, where he man­aged a $14 mil­lion busi­ness portfolio.

He was the sole provider for his part­ner, Taman­tha Rich­man, and their blend­ed fam­i­ly of four chil­dren. A GoFundMe has been set up to help cov­er Mor­ris’ funer­al and bur­ial expenses.

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