California Mother Mauled to Death by Loose Great Danes

California Mother Mauled to Death by Loose Great Danes
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Tragic Incident

A North­ern Cal­i­for­nia moth­er, Davina Corbin, was vicious­ly mauled to death by a pack of 25 Great Danes run­ning loose on a walk­ing trail near her home.

The bad­ly bit­ten body of the 56-year-old woman was dis­cov­ered by a neigh­bor just before 2 a.m. on Thurs­day morning.

Preventable Tragedy

Neigh­bors described Corbin’s death as a tragedy that was “100% pre­ventable.” They had repeat­ed­ly report­ed the unruly dogs to the Butte Coun­ty Ani­mal Con­trol, but no action had been tak­en pri­or to the fatal attack.

Investigation and Accountability

Inves­ti­ga­tors obtained a search war­rant and spent the day cap­tur­ing the loose Great Danes, which were placed in the cus­tody of Butte Coun­ty Ani­mal Control. 

DNA evi­dence from the ani­mals will be com­pared to the DNA col­lect­ed on Corbin’s cloth­ing and body to deter­mine which dog or dogs were respon­si­ble for the attack.

Calls for Action

Res­i­dents in the area are out­raged, argu­ing that the ani­mal con­trol author­i­ties should have addressed the issue when they received the ini­tial com­plaints about the loose dogs.

They believe the agen­cies involved are just as respon­si­ble for Corbin’s trag­ic death as the dogs themselves.

Fundraising and Grief

Corbin’s fam­i­ly has set up a GoFundMe page to help cov­er the funer­al costs, as they strug­gle to come to terms with this dev­as­tat­ing loss. 

The com­mu­ni­ty is call­ing for account­abil­i­ty and changes to pre­vent such tragedies from occur­ring in the future.

#Cal­i­for­nia #Great­Danes #Ani­malAt­tack

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