Case of a 17-Year-Old Who Murdered His Family After His Father’s Birthday Celebration

Case of a 17-Year-Old Who Murdered His Family After His Father's Birthday Celebration
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Tragic Family Massacre

A 17-year-old boy from Pader­no Dug­nano, near Milan, Italy, con­fessed to the hor­rif­ic killings of his par­ents and 12-year-old broth­er in a sav­age knife attack just hours after the fam­i­ly cel­e­brat­ed his father’s 51st birthday.

Chilling Confession

The teen ini­tial­ly told author­i­ties a fab­ri­cat­ed sto­ry that he had wit­nessed his father killing his moth­er and broth­er before he attacked his father.

How­ev­er, dur­ing fur­ther inter­ro­ga­tion, the boy revealed the shock­ing truth — he had planned the killings for some time and felt “oppressed” in his fam­i­ly, lead­ing him to com­mit the bru­tal murders.

Devastating Aftermath

The fam­i­ly’s friends and the may­or of Pader­no Dug­nano expressed their shock and dis­be­lief at the news, describ­ing the fam­i­ly as “nor­mal, serene” and with­out any known problems. 

Judi­cial author­i­ties stat­ed that they are yet to under­stand the motive behind the triple homi­cide, and the inves­ti­ga­tion is ongoing.

Psychological Factors

Accord­ing to reports, the 17-year-old boy told inves­ti­ga­tors that he had felt like a “for­eign body” in his fam­i­ly and that the emo­tions had erupt­ed just a few hours after the birth­day celebration. 

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