CEO Kalisher Faces Assault Charges for Violent Encounter at In-N-Out Burger

CEO Arrested for Assaulting Teen at In-N-Out Burger
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CEO Arrested for Assaulting Teen at In-N-Out Burger

A Col­orado busi­ness­man named Kalish­er is fac­ing felony assault charges after he was filmed throw­ing a 15-year-old boy onto the floor of an In-N-Out Burg­er for acci­den­tal­ly splash­ing his wife with water.

Violent Confrontation Caught on Video

Lucas Kalish­er, 55, the CEO of a pri­vate equi­ty firm, was at an In-N-Out in Love­land in the ear­ly hours of Aug. 4 when the teen was “engag­ing in horse­play by splash­ing water” on two friends. The water acci­den­tal­ly splashed a female din­er, Kalish­er’s wife.

CEO Grabs, Chokes, and Throws Teen to the Floor

Video showed Kalish­er sud­den­ly grab­bing the star­tled-look­ing boy, plac­ing both hands around his neck, and pulling him down to the table before throw­ing him back­ward onto the tile floor. 

Onlook­ers react­ed with shock, with one per­son heard com­plain­ing about the much-larg­er man “pick­ing on a kid like that.”

Felony Assault Charges and Arrest Warrant

Although Kalish­er and his wife left the restau­rant before cops arrived, he was even­tu­al­ly iden­ti­fied by wit­ness­es. A no-bond arrest war­rant was issued, and Kalish­er turned him­self in on Tues­day night. 

He was charged with felony assault in the sec­ond degree with stran­gu­la­tion, as well as one mis­de­meanor count of child abuse.

Consequences for the CEO’s Actions

Kalish­er, the CEO of Sum­mit Source Fund­ing, is set to appear at his arraign­ment on Wednes­day afternoon. 

His social media pages have been tak­en down since the video made the rounds online, spark­ing out­rage over the busi­ness­man­’s vio­lent actions against a teenager.

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