Chilling Teen Kills Mom in Shocking Crime: Inside the Carly Gregg Murder Trial

Chilling Teen Kills Mom in Shocking Crime: Inside the Carly Gregg Murder Trial
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Harrowing Footage Reveals Callous Act

A teenage girl, Car­ly Gregg, is at the cen­ter of a dis­turb­ing mur­der tri­al in Mis­sis­sip­pi. Accused of shoot­ing her moth­er, 40-year-old math teacher Ash­ley Smylie, and attempt­ing to kill her step­fa­ther, Gregg has reject­ed a 40-year plea deal and is instead pur­su­ing an insan­i­ty defense.

Har­row­ing footage pre­sent­ed in court shows Gregg, who was 14 at the time of the alleged crimes, casu­al­ly wan­der­ing around her kitchen moments before the fatal shots were fired. 

The video depicts Gregg pac­ing the cor­ri­dor, dis­ap­pear­ing off cam­era briefly, and then return­ing, hold­ing some­thing behind her back and peer­ing into the kitchen.

Alleged Attempt to Lure Stepfather Home

Pros­e­cu­tors allege that after the shoot­ing, Gregg used her moth­er’s phone to text her step­fa­ther, Heath, in an effort to lure him home. A text mes­sage sent from Smylie’s phone to Heath read: “When will you be home honey?”

When Heath returned home, police allege Gregg shot at him, hit­ting him once in the shoul­der. Heath tes­ti­fied in court that he wres­tled the gun from Gregg before she could shoot him again, prompt­ing her to flee the scene.

Psychiatric Evaluation and Marijuana Use

The court heard from psy­chi­a­trist Dr. Andrew Clark, who said he believes Gregg “blacked out” for up to 90 min­utes on the day of the alleged incident. 

Gregg had con­fid­ed to Dr. Clark that she had start­ed using mar­i­jua­na, sev­er­al times per week, and was con­cerned that her moth­er would find out.

Gregg is charged with mur­der, attempt­ed mur­der, and evi­dence tam­per­ing, and faces a life sen­tence if found guilty.

Mental Health and Substance Abuse Factors

The Car­ly Gregg mur­der tri­al high­lights the com­plex inter­sec­tion of men­tal health, sub­stance abuse, and the crim­i­nal jus­tice system. 

As the case unfolds, it serves as a sober­ing reminder of the dev­as­tat­ing con­se­quences that can result when these issues intersect.

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