Alki David, the heir to a Coca-Cola botÂtling empire and founder of HoloÂgram USA, has been ordered to pay a stagÂgerÂing $900 milÂlion to a forÂmer employÂee in one of the largest sexÂuÂal assault verÂdicts in history.
The court was told that David had a âRape Roomâ at his CalÂiÂforÂnia headÂquarÂters, and details of his alleged severe sexÂuÂal harassÂment and assault, includÂing rape, of the forÂmer modÂel employÂee emerged durÂing the trial.
This record-breakÂing verÂdict marks a sigÂnifÂiÂcant triÂumph for jusÂtice and sets a powÂerÂful preceÂdent in the fight against workÂplace sexÂuÂal assault.
The case highÂlights Davidâs long hisÂtoÂry of sexÂuÂal misÂconÂduct alleÂgaÂtions, with mulÂtiÂple priÂor judgeÂments totalÂing over $80 milÂlion against him for simÂiÂlar claims.
The judgÂment underÂscores the critÂiÂcal imporÂtance of holdÂing perÂpeÂtraÂtors of sexÂuÂal assault accountÂable, regardÂless of their wealth or status.
This landÂmark verÂdict not only delivÂers jusÂtice to the vicÂtim but also sends a strong mesÂsage to all vicÂtims of sexÂuÂal assault that their voicÂes matÂter, and jusÂtice can be achieved.
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