Coca-Cola Heir Ordered to Pay $900 Million in Landmark Sexual Assault Verdict

Coca-Cola Heir Ordered to Pay $900 Million in Landmark Sexual Assault Verdict
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Alki David, the heir to a Coca-Cola bot­tling empire and founder of Holo­gram USA, has been ordered to pay a stag­ger­ing $900 mil­lion to a for­mer employ­ee in one of the largest sex­u­al assault ver­dicts in history.

The court was told that David had a “Rape Room” at his Cal­i­for­nia head­quar­ters, and details of his alleged severe sex­u­al harass­ment and assault, includ­ing rape, of the for­mer mod­el employ­ee emerged dur­ing the trial.

This record-break­ing ver­dict marks a sig­nif­i­cant tri­umph for jus­tice and sets a pow­er­ful prece­dent in the fight against work­place sex­u­al assault. 

The case high­lights David’s long his­to­ry of sex­u­al mis­con­duct alle­ga­tions, with mul­ti­ple pri­or judge­ments total­ing over $80 mil­lion against him for sim­i­lar claims.

The judg­ment under­scores the crit­i­cal impor­tance of hold­ing per­pe­tra­tors of sex­u­al assault account­able, regard­less of their wealth or status. 

This land­mark ver­dict not only deliv­ers jus­tice to the vic­tim but also sends a strong mes­sage to all vic­tims of sex­u­al assault that their voic­es mat­ter, and jus­tice can be achieved.

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