Colorado State Trooper Survives Targeted Attack, Kills Suspect

Colorado State Trooper Survives Targeted Attack, Kills Suspect
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Targeted Attack on Trooper

Cpl. Tye Sim­cox, a 16-year vet­er­an of the Col­orado State Patrol, was parked on the medi­an of High­way 36 in West­min­ster when he was sud­den­ly attacked by a gunman.

The assailant, dri­ving a Chevro­let pick­up truck, pulled over to the left side of the high­way and began fir­ing at Sim­cox with a semi-auto­mat­ic handgun.

Trooper’s Courageous Response

Sim­cox imme­di­ate­ly exit­ed his patrol car and returned fire, using his rifle to strike and ulti­mate­ly kill the suspect. 

Despite being wound­ed in the low­er right arm, Sim­cox applied a tourni­quet to his injury before being trans­port­ed to the hos­pi­tal, where he was lat­er released.

Authorities Condemn the Attack

The chief of the state patrol, Matthew Packard, expressed shock and out­rage over the “tar­get­ed” and “evil” attack on Sim­cox, stat­ing that the troop­er “respond­ed appro­pri­ate­ly and swift­ly and coura­geous­ly” and “won today.” 

Packard praised Sim­cox for not only sav­ing his own life but also pro­tect­ing the rest of the com­mu­ni­ty from the sus­pec­t’s “evil” intentions.

Ongoing Investigation

The iden­ti­ty of the sus­pect has not yet been released by author­i­ties. The inci­dent is cur­rent­ly under inves­ti­ga­tion, and the Col­orado State Patrol is work­ing to deter­mine the motive behind the tar­get­ed attack on Cpl. Tye Simcox.

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