Community rallies behind family shattered by drunk driver at boat club party

Community rallies behind family shattered by drunk driver at boat club party
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Mon­roe Coun­ty crash fundrais­er tops $200,000!

A GoFundMe cam­paign for the vic­tims of a hor­rif­ic drunk dri­ving crash at a child’s birth­day par­ty has explod­ed with gen­eros­i­ty, sur­pass­ing a goal of $200,000.

The heart­warm­ing response comes after a beloved aunt, Diane Har­ring­ton, set up the fundrais­er to help her niece’s family.

Two young lives lost, fam­i­ly fights for survival

Har­ring­ton’s mes­sage pierces hearts. Her niece, Mari­ah, and her eldest son, Jay­den, are cling­ing to life after the crash. Trag­i­cal­ly, Har­ring­ton’s niece’s two younger chil­dren, Alanah, 8, and Zayn, 5, were tak­en away.

The remain­ing funds will be a life­line for the fam­i­ly, cov­er­ing med­ical bills and help­ing them find a new home.

Com­mu­ni­ty pours out love and support

Thou­sands of peo­ple, touched by this tragedy, have donat­ed from $10 to $5,000. The love is pour­ing in, show­ing the com­mu­ni­ty’s unwa­ver­ing support.

Prayers for healing

Har­ring­ton gave an update, shar­ing that Jay­den under­went surgery and is recov­er­ing. Mari­ah is also awake but faces a long road ahead. The fam­i­ly is plead­ing for prayers as they nav­i­gate this unimag­in­able nightmare.

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