Controversial Florida Incident: Woman Caught Having Sex on Pier, Jumps into Water to Escape Cops

Controversial Florida Incident: Woman Caught Having Sex on Pier, Jumps into Water to Escape Cops
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A 20-year-old Flori­da woman found her­self in hot water after being caught engag­ing in a pub­lic dis­play of affec­tion on a pier in Naples.

Allyssia Razo was spot­ted hav­ing sex with 23-year-old Zadok West­field behind the locked gate of the his­toric Naples Pier on Memo­r­i­al Day.

When police arrived in response to mul­ti­ple reports, Razo and West­field attempt­ed to quick­ly put their clothes back on. How­ev­er, Razo then made the deci­sion to dive off the pier into the water in a failed attempt to evade the authorities.

West­field, who was com­plete­ly naked when the cops showed up, remained at the scene and told the offi­cers that he and Razo had orig­i­nal­ly planned to jump off the end of the pier, but end­ed up hav­ing sex instead. 

A wit­ness report­ed see­ing the pair in the com­pro­mis­ing posi­tion, not­ing that her minor chil­dren were ask­ing ques­tions about what the cou­ple was doing in the pub­lic space.

Razo was charged with tres­pass­ing, dis­turb­ing the peace, and resist­ing arrest with­out vio­lence, while West­field faced tres­pass­ing and dis­turb­ing the peace charges. Both were tak­en into cus­tody and lat­er released on bond the same day.

The icon­ic Naples Pier, which extends about 1,000 feet into the Gulf of Mex­i­co, has only been par­tial­ly open to vis­i­tors since it sus­tained sig­nif­i­cant dam­age from Hur­ri­cane Ian in 2022.

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