A 20-year-old FloriÂda woman found herÂself in hot water after being caught engagÂing in a pubÂlic disÂplay of affecÂtion on a pier in Naples.
Allyssia Razo was spotÂted havÂing sex with 23-year-old Zadok WestÂfield behind the locked gate of the hisÂtoric Naples Pier on MemoÂrÂiÂal Day.
When police arrived in response to mulÂtiÂple reports, Razo and WestÂfield attemptÂed to quickÂly put their clothes back on. HowÂevÂer, Razo then made the deciÂsion to dive off the pier into the water in a failed attempt to evade the authorities.
WestÂfield, who was comÂpleteÂly naked when the cops showed up, remained at the scene and told the offiÂcers that he and Razo had origÂiÂnalÂly planned to jump off the end of the pier, but endÂed up havÂing sex instead.
A witÂness reportÂed seeÂing the pair in the comÂproÂmisÂing posiÂtion, notÂing that her minor chilÂdren were askÂing quesÂtions about what the couÂple was doing in the pubÂlic space.
Razo was charged with tresÂpassÂing, disÂturbÂing the peace, and resistÂing arrest withÂout vioÂlence, while WestÂfield faced tresÂpassÂing and disÂturbÂing the peace charges. Both were takÂen into cusÂtody and latÂer released on bond the same day.
The iconÂic Naples Pier, which extends about 1,000 feet into the Gulf of MexÂiÂco, has only been parÂtialÂly open to visÂiÂtors since it susÂtained sigÂnifÂiÂcant damÂage from HurÂriÂcane Ian in 2022.
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