Dallas Officer Blinded After Targeted Killing of Fellow Cop

Dallas Officer Blinded After Targeted Killing of Fellow Cop
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Execution-Style Attack on Dallas Officers

Dal­las Police Sr. Cpl. Karis­sa David was crit­i­cal­ly wound­ed and left blind in both eyes after a gun­man shot her mul­ti­ple times in the face dur­ing a tar­get­ed attack.

The inci­dent occurred as the gun­man, iden­ti­fied as Corey Cobb-Bey, exe­cut­ed anoth­er offi­cer, Dar­ron Burks, who was sit­ting in his car between calls.

Gunman’s Deadly Rampage and Police Response

Accord­ing to author­i­ties, Cobb-Bey opened fire on the offi­cers, wound­ing Sr. Cpl. Jamie Farmer as well before lead­ing police on a chase. 

Cobb-Bey was ulti­mate­ly killed by police in a shootout, but the dam­age had already been done, with Burks pro­nounced dead at the scene and David left fight­ing for her life.

Impact on the Wounded Officer and Community

David, who had recent­ly got­ten mar­ried, now faces a long road to recov­ery and exten­sive mod­i­fi­ca­tions to her home to accom­mo­date her vision loss. 

A GoFundMe cam­paign has been estab­lished to sup­port her and her fam­i­ly dur­ing this dif­fi­cult time. The Dal­las com­mu­ni­ty, as well as the broad­er law enforce­ment com­mu­ni­ty, have been left shak­en by the trag­ic events.

Vowing Justice for the Fallen Officer

Dal­las Police Chief Eddie Gar­cia described the attack as an “exe­cu­tion,” empha­siz­ing that the offi­cers were tar­get­ed sole­ly for wear­ing the uni­form and per­form­ing their duties. 

The depart­ment has vowed to bring jus­tice to those respon­si­ble, even as David and her loved ones grap­ple with the dev­as­tat­ing after­math of this sense­less act of violence.

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