Execution-Style Attack on Dallas Officers
DalÂlas Police Sr. Cpl. KarisÂsa David was critÂiÂcalÂly woundÂed and left blind in both eyes after a gunÂman shot her mulÂtiÂple times in the face durÂing a tarÂgetÂed attack.
The inciÂdent occurred as the gunÂman, idenÂtiÂfied as Corey Cobb-Bey, exeÂcutÂed anothÂer offiÂcer, DarÂron Burks, who was sitÂting in his car between calls.
Gunmanâs Deadly Rampage and Police Response
AccordÂing to authorÂiÂties, Cobb-Bey opened fire on the offiÂcers, woundÂing Sr. Cpl. Jamie Farmer as well before leadÂing police on a chase.
Cobb-Bey was ultiÂmateÂly killed by police in a shootout, but the damÂage had already been done, with Burks proÂnounced dead at the scene and David left fightÂing for her life.
Impact on the Wounded Officer and Community
David, who had recentÂly gotÂten marÂried, now faces a long road to recovÂery and extenÂsive modÂiÂfiÂcaÂtions to her home to accomÂmoÂdate her vision loss.
A GoFundMe camÂpaign has been estabÂlished to supÂport her and her famÂiÂly durÂing this difÂfiÂcult time. The DalÂlas comÂmuÂniÂty, as well as the broadÂer law enforceÂment comÂmuÂniÂty, have been left shakÂen by the tragÂic events.
Vowing Justice for the Fallen Officer
DalÂlas Police Chief Eddie GarÂcia described the attack as an âexeÂcuÂtion,â emphaÂsizÂing that the offiÂcers were tarÂgetÂed soleÂly for wearÂing the uniÂform and perÂformÂing their duties.
The departÂment has vowed to bring jusÂtice to those responÂsiÂble, even as David and her loved ones grapÂple with the devÂasÂtatÂing afterÂmath of this senseÂless act of violence.
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