Tragic Accident
A perÂson has died after two planes colÂlidÂed mid-air at MinÂden-Tahoe AirÂport in NevaÂda. The inciÂdent occurred around 9:47 am on MonÂday, nearÂly a month after anothÂer fatal colÂliÂsion at the same airÂport durÂing takeoff.
Crash Details
AccordÂing to authorÂiÂties, one of the sinÂgle-engine planes landÂed at the airÂport, while the othÂer crashed into a nearÂby field. The FedÂerÂal AviÂaÂtion AdminÂisÂtraÂtion (FAA) statÂed that the Globe GC-1B had one pasÂsenÂger on board, while the CessÂna 206 had two.
The pilot and pasÂsenÂger in the CessÂna 206 were reportÂed safe withÂout injuries, but the sole pasÂsenÂger in the Globe GC-1B did not survive.
Witness Accounts
WitÂnessÂes reportÂed that the Globe GC-1B caught fire in the air before crashÂing, accordÂing to DouÂglas CounÂty SherÂiff Dan CovÂerÂley. The airÂcraft was still engulfed in flames when emerÂgency perÂsonÂnel arrived at the scene.
Investigation Underway
The FAA and the NationÂal TransÂportaÂtion SafeÂty Board (NTSB) have takÂen over the invesÂtiÂgaÂtion into the cause of the fatal crash. The airÂport was closed after the inciÂdent but has since reopened.
The NTSB statÂed that a preÂlimÂiÂnary report on the crash is expectÂed withÂin 30 days, while a final report will be comÂpletÂed in 12â24 months.
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