Deadly Tornado Outbreak Strikes Florida Amid Hurricane Milton

Deadly Tornado Outbreak Strikes Florida Amid Hurricane Milton
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Deadly Tornadoes Ravage Florida

Mul­ti­ple peo­ple were killed after more than a dozen pow­er­ful tor­na­does asso­ci­at­ed with Hur­ri­cane Mil­ton struck parts of Flori­da on Wednes­day, author­i­ties said. 

The twisters with­in the stor­m’s out­er bands proved fatal before the hur­ri­cane even made land­fall, with the worst dam­age report­ed in a senior com­mu­ni­ty in St. Lucie County.

Rescue and Recovery Efforts

Sher­iff Kei­th Pear­son report­ed “mul­ti­ple fatal­i­ties” at the Span­ish Lakes Coun­try Club in Fort Pierce, and deputies are going door-to-door search­ing for sur­vivors trapped under the rub­ble. Pear­son empha­sized that the “No. 1 goal is life safe­ty” as the mul­ti-agency res­cue effort continues.

Extensive Damage and Destruction

Accord­ing to Pear­son, 17 tor­na­does hit the coun­ty, with hun­dreds of homes ruined. Footage showed a steel stor­age build­ing at the sher­if­f’s depart­ment being knocked over by a tor­na­do, as well as pow­er lines being torn down and cars flee­ing from twisters in Palm Beach Coun­ty. First respon­ders rushed sev­er­al peo­ple to hos­pi­tals, includ­ing three to trau­ma centers.

Tornado Outbreak within the Hurricane

The tor­na­do out­break occurred as Hur­ri­cane Mil­ton, at one point a pow­er­ful Cat­e­go­ry 5 storm over the ocean, made land­fall on Flori­da’s west coast on Wednes­day night. The hur­ri­cane brought over 100 mph winds, heavy rain, and a life-threat­en­ing storm surge, leav­ing about 2 mil­lion cus­tomers with­out power.

Evacuation Warnings and Recovery Efforts

In the days lead­ing up to the storm, offi­cials had warned res­i­dents to evac­u­ate or face pos­si­ble death if they attempt­ed to ride out the hur­ri­cane. Now, the region faces the daunt­ing task of recov­ery and rebuild­ing in the wake of the dead­ly tor­na­do out­break and the dev­as­tat­ing impacts of Hur­ri­cane Milton.

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