‘Deadpool Killer’ Wade Wilson Sentenced to Death for Brutal Florida Murders

'Deadpool Killer' Wade Wilson Sentenced to Death for Brutal Florida Murders
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Brutal Double Murder Shocks Florida

In a chill­ing case that has gripped Flori­da, Wade Wil­son, dubbed the ‘Dead­pool Killer’, has been sen­tenced to death for the bru­tal mur­ders of two women in Octo­ber 2019.

The 30-year-old killer, who shares a name with the Mar­vel anti-hero, remained expres­sion­less as Cir­cuit Judge Nicholas Thomp­son deliv­ered the cap­i­tal sen­tence on August 27, 2024.

The Horrific Crime Spree

Wilson’s mur­der­ous ram­page claimed the lives of Kris­tine Melton, 35, and Diane Ruiz, 43. The pros­e­cu­tion revealed that Wil­son first stran­gled Melton in her home fol­low­ing a drug-fueled sex­u­al encounter. He then stole her car and phone, using the lat­ter to con­tact his girlfriend.

In a shock­ing turn of events, Wil­son encoun­tered Ruiz, who was ask­ing for direc­tions in Cape Coral. After lur­ing her into the stolen car, he stran­gled her and then ran her over mul­ti­ple times, described in court as leav­ing her look­ing “like spaghetti.”

Justice Served: Death Penalty Upheld

The jury had pre­vi­ous­ly rec­om­mend­ed the death penal­ty, which Judge Thomp­son upheld, stat­ing, “The evi­dence shows the mur­ders were heinous, atro­cious and cru­el, and that the sec­ond mur­der was cold, cal­cu­lat­ed and pre­med­i­tat­ed.” The judge found “no basis” to over­rule the jury’s recommendation.

Controversy and Public Reaction

Despite the hor­rif­ic nature of his crimes, Wil­son received thou­sands of love let­ters and explic­it pho­tos from admir­ers dur­ing his five-year incar­cer­a­tion. Some sup­port­ers even wrote to the judge, plead­ing for lenien­cy and cit­ing Wilson’s improved behav­ior while on medication.

Wilson’s defense team attempt­ed to argue that he suf­fered from brain dam­age due to drug addic­tion and aban­don­ment issues. His adop­tive par­ents also appealed for a less­er sen­tence, stat­ing that “the human is still in there.”

Legal Proceedings and Additional Charges

In addi­tion to the dou­ble mur­der con­vic­tion, Wil­son was found guilty of grand theft, bur­glary of a dwelling, bat­tery, and petit theft. The pros­e­cu­tion empha­sized that these killings were com­mit­ted “for the sake of killing,” high­light­ing the cold-blood­ed nature of Wilson’s actions.

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