Nurseâs Medical Condition Leads to Humiliating Incident
A CalÂiÂforÂnia nurse, BriÂanÂna Solari, says she was kicked off a SouthÂwest AirÂlines flight and disÂcrimÂiÂnatÂed against due to her medÂical condition.
Solari, who has neuÂrofiÂbroÂmatoÂsis (NF), a genetÂic disÂorÂder that causÂes non-canÂcerÂous tumors to grow on her skin and nerÂvous sysÂtem, claims she was conÂfrontÂed by an airÂline crew memÂber and asked to leave the plane.
Denied the Chance to Explain Her Condition
Solari, who had just underÂgone a proÂceÂdure to reduce the tumors on her body, says she was not allowed to speak to the airÂlineâs conÂtractÂed docÂtor about her conÂdiÂtion. âI said, let me speak to the docÂtor. I wasÂnât examÂined by this physiÂcian,â Solari told KCRA.
Forced to Obtain Medical Clearance
After being removed from the iniÂtial flight, Solari had to obtain a letÂter from her surÂgeon clearÂing her to fly, which she then showed to the airÂline staff. She was then booked on a latÂer flight back to Sacramento.
Lasting Impact on Trust in the Airline
Solari says the inciÂdent has changed her perÂspecÂtive on SouthÂwest AirÂlines, and she is threatÂenÂing legal action. âI donât think Iâll ever fly them again. I think this could have been hanÂdled much more proÂfesÂsionÂalÂly,â she said.
Airline Apologizes but Offers Limited Compensation
SouthÂwest AirÂlines has apolÂoÂgized for the inciÂdent, statÂing that they âultiÂmateÂly received clearÂance for the cusÂtomer to travÂelâ but were unable to do so in time for the origÂiÂnal flight. The airÂline offered Solari a $500 flight vouchÂer and a $45 meal vouchÂer, but she believes the sitÂuÂaÂtion amountÂed to discrimination.
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