Disgraced Doctor Larry Nassar Accused of Paying Gangbangers for Protection with “Sexual Favors”

Disgraced Doctor Larry Nassar Accused of Paying Gangbangers for Protection with "Sexual Favors"
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In a shock­ing rev­e­la­tion, for­mer inmate Grace Pin­son has claimed that dis­graced sports doc­tor Lar­ry Nas­sar resort­ed to dis­turb­ing mea­sures to ensure his safe­ty while incarcerated. 

Pin­son alleges that Nas­sar, who was sen­tenced to hun­dreds of years in prison for sex­u­al­ly abus­ing hun­dreds of young ath­letes, includ­ing Olympians Simone Biles and Aly Rais­man, paid gang mem­bers for pro­tec­tion by pro­vid­ing them with “sex­u­al favors” and cash payments.

Accord­ing to Pin­son, who served time with Nas­sar at the fed­er­al pen­i­ten­tiary in Sumter Coun­ty, Flori­da, the for­mer USA Gym­nas­tics and Michi­gan State Uni­ver­si­ty doc­tor was seen enter­ing a cell with Mex­i­can gang mem­bers in June 2021, with the door shut and win­dows cov­ered — a clear indi­ca­tion, Pin­son claims, that Nas­sar was engag­ing in sex­u­al acts with the gang mem­bers in exchange for their protection.

Pin­son, who is cur­rent­ly incar­cer­at­ed at the Allen­wood Fed­er­al Cor­rec­tion­al Com­plex in Penn­syl­va­nia, fur­ther alleges that Nas­sar paid the gang mem­bers “a cou­ple hun­dred dol­lars a month” for their ser­vices, describ­ing the dis­graced doc­tor as a “scared lit­tle church mouse” who rarely left his hous­ing unit, except to vis­it the prison chapel.

The shock­ing claims paint a dis­turb­ing pic­ture of the mea­sures Nas­sar took to ensure his safe­ty behind bars, with Pin­son sug­gest­ing that the gang mem­bers were “forc­ing Nas­sar to do ‘sex­u­al favors’ as pay­back for vio­lat­ing lit­tle girls — ‘to humil­i­ate and degrade Lar­ry Nassar.’ ”

While Bureau of Pris­ons spokesman Scott Tay­lor declined to com­ment on Pin­son’s alle­ga­tions, the claims have raised fur­ther ques­tions about the treat­ment of high-pro­file inmates like Nas­sar and the poten­tial for exploita­tion and abuse with­in the prison system.

As the jus­tice sys­tem con­tin­ues to grap­ple with the after­math of Nas­sar’s heinous crimes, this lat­est report serves as a sober­ing reminder of the com­plex and often dis­turb­ing real­i­ties faced by inmates, even those con­vict­ed of the most heinous offenses.

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