DisÂcredÂitÂed lawyer Alex MurÂdaugh conÂtinÂued his shockÂing conÂfesÂsions. Already servÂing life for killing his wife and son, MurÂdaugh admitÂted stealÂing milÂlions from clients and his houseÂkeepÂerâs estate.
MurÂdaughÂâs lawyer said the disÂbarred lawyer was âcoopÂerÂaÂtiveâ and âapolÂoÂgizedâ to vicÂtims. He did not disÂpute any charges in the comÂplex finanÂcial schemes.
A fedÂerÂal indictÂment accused MurÂdaugh of runÂning difÂferÂent scams from 2005â2021. He surÂrepÂtiÂtiousÂly transÂferred client setÂtleÂment funds and conÂspired with a banker found guilty of fraud.
MurÂdaugh also covertÂly divertÂed nearÂly $3.5 milÂlion from his houseÂkeepÂerâs estate after her death. He had faced no charges in the mysÂteÂriÂous 2018 falling inciÂdent until his admissions.
The conÂcurÂrent life senÂtences for the bruÂtal famÂiÂly murÂders meant MurÂdaugh faced no addiÂtionÂal jail time. HowÂevÂer, his stunÂning conÂfesÂsions finalÂly gave answers to vicÂtims of his proÂfound betrayal.
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