“Disgraced Teacher Demands Charges Dropped Over Alleged Affair with 11-Year-Old Student”

"Disgraced Teacher Demands Charges Dropped Over Alleged Affair with 11-Year-Old Student"
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Shocking Demand From Teacher Arrested for Student Affair

A 24-year-old Wis­con­sin ele­men­tary school teacher, Madi­son Bergmann, has demand­ed that the charges against her be dropped for alleged­ly mak­ing out with an 11-year-old student. 

Bergmann was arrest­ed in April after the child’s par­ents report­ed her to school admin­is­tra­tors and police.

Incriminating Text Messages Revealed

Dur­ing the motion hear­ing, more inti­mate mes­sages between Bergmann and the stu­dent were revealed. In one text, Bergmann alleged­ly told the boy she want­ed to “lick” his abs and that she liked touch­ing his chest. 

The judge ulti­mate­ly reject­ed Bergman­n’s argu­ment, stat­ing that the word “chest” does not excuse her from being charged with sex­u­al assault.

Overwhelming Evidence Against the Teacher

Bergmann was ini­tial­ly charged with first-degree sex­u­al assault of a child, but addi­tion­al charges were lat­er added, includ­ing using a com­put­er to facil­i­tate a child sex crime, expos­ing a child to harm­ful descrip­tions, child entice­ment, and sex­u­al mis­con­duct by school staff. 

The judge cit­ed the over­whelm­ing evi­dence, includ­ing hand­writ­ten notes and tes­ti­mo­ny from the stu­dent, in refus­ing to drop the charges against the dis­graced teacher.

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