Disneyland Super Fans Lawsuit
A pair of devotÂed DisÂneyÂland fans, Scott and Diana AnderÂson, have lost their $400,000 legal batÂtle to regain their memÂberÂship to the resortâs excluÂsive Club 33 after being banned for alleged pubÂlic drunkenness.
The couÂple, who spent two decades raisÂing the funds to join and were memÂbers for five years, were shocked to have their covÂetÂed memÂberÂship revoked.
The AnderÂsons, both 60 years old, filed a lawÂsuit against DisÂney, arguÂing they should be reinÂstatÂed to the $31,000-per-year club.
HowÂevÂer, an Orange CounÂty, CalÂiÂforÂnia judge ruled that DisÂney was withÂin its rights to decide who is allowed to be a memÂber of the elite club.
The Exclusivity of Club 33
Club 33 is known for its secreÂcy and excluÂsivÂiÂty, with only a small plaque markÂing the entrance to the origÂiÂnal clubÂhouse in DisÂneyÂlandâs AnaÂheim location.
The club offers its memÂbers access to VIP lounges, speÂcial events, and the chance to minÂgle with celebriÂties at DisÂney resorts around the world.
The AnderÂsons were avid Club 33 memÂbers, visÂitÂing DisÂneyÂlandâs two CalÂiÂforÂnia theme parks 60 to 80 times per year from their home in Arizona.
They estiÂmate they spent around $125,000 durÂing their five-year memÂberÂship, formÂing close friendÂships with othÂer memÂbers and rubÂbing elbows with stars like Kurt RusÂsell and Dick Van Dyke.
The Costly Legal Battle
Despite their deep conÂnecÂtion to the club, the AnderÂsonsâ memÂberÂship was revoked after an inciÂdent where Scott AnderÂson was allegedÂly spotÂted drunk at DisÂneyÂlandâs CalÂiÂforÂnia AdvenÂture Park.
The couÂple claimed his wobÂbly behavÂior was due to a vestibuÂlar migraine, a conÂdiÂtion he has had for decades.
The AnderÂsonsâ legal batÂtle to regain their Club 33 privÂiÂleges ultiÂmateÂly cost them $400,000 in legal fees.
Scott AnderÂson admitÂted the loss has set his retireÂment back five years, but his wife, Diana, vowed to conÂtinÂue fightÂing, even sugÂgestÂing she would âsell a kidÂneyâ to fund anothÂer legal challenge.
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