Disneyland Super Fans Lose $400K Battle to Regain Exclusive Club 33 Membership

Disneyland Super Fans Lose $400K Battle to Regain Exclusive Club 33 Membership
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Disneyland Super Fans Lawsuit

A pair of devot­ed Dis­ney­land fans, Scott and Diana Ander­son, have lost their $400,000 legal bat­tle to regain their mem­ber­ship to the resort’s exclu­sive Club 33 after being banned for alleged pub­lic drunkenness. 

The cou­ple, who spent two decades rais­ing the funds to join and were mem­bers for five years, were shocked to have their cov­et­ed mem­ber­ship revoked.

The Ander­sons, both 60 years old, filed a law­suit against Dis­ney, argu­ing they should be rein­stat­ed to the $31,000-per-year club. 

How­ev­er, an Orange Coun­ty, Cal­i­for­nia judge ruled that Dis­ney was with­in its rights to decide who is allowed to be a mem­ber of the elite club.

The Exclusivity of Club 33

Club 33 is known for its secre­cy and exclu­siv­i­ty, with only a small plaque mark­ing the entrance to the orig­i­nal club­house in Dis­ney­land’s Ana­heim location. 

The club offers its mem­bers access to VIP lounges, spe­cial events, and the chance to min­gle with celebri­ties at Dis­ney resorts around the world.

The Ander­sons were avid Club 33 mem­bers, vis­it­ing Dis­ney­land’s two Cal­i­for­nia theme parks 60 to 80 times per year from their home in Arizona.

They esti­mate they spent around $125,000 dur­ing their five-year mem­ber­ship, form­ing close friend­ships with oth­er mem­bers and rub­bing elbows with stars like Kurt Rus­sell and Dick Van Dyke.

The Costly Legal Battle

Despite their deep con­nec­tion to the club, the Ander­sons’ mem­ber­ship was revoked after an inci­dent where Scott Ander­son was alleged­ly spot­ted drunk at Dis­ney­land’s Cal­i­for­nia Adven­ture Park. 

The cou­ple claimed his wob­bly behav­ior was due to a vestibu­lar migraine, a con­di­tion he has had for decades.

The Ander­sons’ legal bat­tle to regain their Club 33 priv­i­leges ulti­mate­ly cost them $400,000 in legal fees.

Scott Ander­son admit­ted the loss has set his retire­ment back five years, but his wife, Diana, vowed to con­tin­ue fight­ing, even sug­gest­ing she would “sell a kid­ney” to fund anoth­er legal challenge.

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