Dog Poo Nightmare: Florida Woman Charged After Smearing Feces in Neighbor’s Face

Dog Poo Nightmare: Florida Woman Charged After Smearing Feces in Neighbor's Face
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In a bizarre act of revenge, a Flori­da woman has attacked her elder­ly neigh­bor by smear­ing dog feces in his face. Kali Robert­son, 28, was out walk­ing her dog ear­ly one morn­ing in the St. Peters­burg mobile home park where they both live. But what start­ed as a typ­i­cal walk took a shock­ing turn.

Author­i­ties say Robert­son has had past dis­putes with her 76-year-old neigh­bor. On this fate­ful day, a minor argu­ment esca­lat­ed when the irate woman grabbed an unse­cured bag of her dog’s waste. In a rage, she pushed the bag right into the old man’s face, coat­ing him in excrement.

Appalled neigh­bors alert­ed police to the dis­gust­ing assault. Detec­tives were quick­ly able to match the bag used in the smear­ing to Robert­son’s dog. She was arrest­ed and charged with bat­tery, a felony offense. Despite plead­ing not guilty, the evi­dence of her DNA on the bag leaves lit­tle doubt of her guilt.

This is just the lat­est in a string of bizarre poop attacks between quar­rel­ing neigh­bors. In the UK, a 75-year-old woman was con­vict­ed of repeat­ed­ly ter­ror­iz­ing a cou­ple. Her harass­ment includ­ed throw­ing feces at them, in addi­tion to oth­er dan­ger­ous behaviors.

While dis­putes between neigh­bors are unfor­tu­nate­ly com­mon, using excre­ment as a weapon takes it to a shock­ing new low. As this case makes its way through the courts, it serves as a warn­ing that even small argu­ments can esca­late into seri­ous crim­i­nal acts if left unchecked. Near­by res­i­dents can only hope this ends the long-run­ning poop night­mare between these two.

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