In a bizarre act of revenge, a FloriÂda woman has attacked her elderÂly neighÂbor by smearÂing dog feces in his face. Kali RobertÂson, 28, was out walkÂing her dog earÂly one mornÂing in the St. PetersÂburg mobile home park where they both live. But what startÂed as a typÂiÂcal walk took a shockÂing turn.
AuthorÂiÂties say RobertÂson has had past disÂputes with her 76-year-old neighÂbor. On this fateÂful day, a minor arguÂment escaÂlatÂed when the irate woman grabbed an unseÂcured bag of her dogâs waste. In a rage, she pushed the bag right into the old manâs face, coatÂing him in excrement.
Appalled neighÂbors alertÂed police to the disÂgustÂing assault. DetecÂtives were quickÂly able to match the bag used in the smearÂing to RobertÂsonâs dog. She was arrestÂed and charged with batÂtery, a felony offense. Despite pleadÂing not guilty, the eviÂdence of her DNA on the bag leaves litÂtle doubt of her guilt.
This is just the latÂest in a string of bizarre poop attacks between quarÂrelÂing neighÂbors. In the UK, a 75-year-old woman was conÂvictÂed of repeatÂedÂly terÂrorÂizÂing a couÂple. Her harassÂment includÂed throwÂing feces at them, in addiÂtion to othÂer danÂgerÂous behaviors.
While disÂputes between neighÂbors are unforÂtuÂnateÂly comÂmon, using excreÂment as a weapon takes it to a shockÂing new low. As this case makes its way through the courts, it serves as a warnÂing that even small arguÂments can escaÂlate into seriÂous crimÂiÂnal acts if left unchecked. NearÂby resÂiÂdents can only hope this ends the long-runÂning poop nightÂmare between these two.
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