FedÂerÂal prosÂeÂcuÂtors have filed a lawÂsuit against the ownÂer of the conÂtainÂer ship that crashed into the FranÂcis Scott Key Bridge in BalÂtiÂmore earÂliÂer this year.
The JusÂtice DepartÂment is seekÂing $100 milÂlion in damÂages from Grace Ocean PriÂvate LimÂitÂed and SynÂerÂgy MarÂitime PTE, the ownÂers and manÂagers of the ship.
Ship Owner Allegedly Knew About Faulty Systems
ProsÂeÂcuÂtors allege that the shipâs elecÂtriÂcal and mechanÂiÂcal sysÂtems were âimpropÂerÂly mainÂtained and conÂfigÂuredâ and vioÂlatÂed safeÂty regulations.
These malÂfuncÂtionÂing sysÂtems were not reportÂed to the U.S. Coast Guard, in vioÂlaÂtion of safeÂty requirements.
âNegligence, Mismanagement, and a Desire to Cut Costsâ
AccordÂing to PrinÂciÂpal Deputy AssoÂciate AttorÂney GenÂerÂal BenÂjamin C. MizÂer, the ship ownÂer and operÂaÂtor were aware of vibraÂtion issues that could cause powÂer outÂages but failed to take necÂesÂsary precautions.
The shipâs elecÂtriÂcal and mechanÂiÂcal sysÂtems were conÂfigÂured in a way that preÂventÂed them from quickÂly restorÂing propulÂsion and steerÂing after a powÂer outage.
Ship Crash Resulted in Tragic Consequences
The shipâs colÂliÂsion with the bridge resultÂed in the deaths of six peoÂple, sigÂnifÂiÂcant disÂrupÂtions to supÂply chains, and weeks of cleanup efforts. The DOJ claim is part of a largÂer legal action the shipâs ownÂer startÂed after the collapse.
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