Drunk Driver Charged with Manslaughter Speaks Out After Deadly Nail Salon Crash

Drunk Driver Charged with Manslaughter Speaks Out After Deadly Nail Salon Crash
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Exclusive Interview

The man accused of drunk­en­ly crash­ing into a Long Island nail salon, killing four peo­ple, is appar­ent­ly not think­ing much about his victims.

In an exclu­sive jail­house inter­view with The Post, the self-cen­tered Steven Schwal­ly did­n’t bring up the vic­tims until a reporter asked what he would say to the griev­ing families.

Lack of Remorse

56468766748746 Drunk Driver Charged with Manslaughter Speaks Out After Deadly Nail Salon Crash

Schwal­ly, 64, said he would tell the fam­i­lies he was “sor­ry” for the harm he caused, but quick­ly added: “I don’t like to think about it.”

The three-year marine vet­er­an, who is twice divorced, unem­ployed and home­less, said he remem­bers first respon­ders drag­ging him out of the vehi­cle, but noth­ing else about the crash.

Alcoholism Admission

New york police cars

Schwal­ly admit­ted to The Post that he’s an alco­holic, and is believed to have drank a cou­ple bot­tles of Mon­te­bel­lo Long Island Iced Tea before the inci­dent, which result­ed in nine oth­ers being injured. 

He spent a week in the hos­pi­tal after the crash and com­plained about being heav­i­ly med­icat­ed by jail staff.

Repeated Offender

Schwal­ly was hit with a DWI charge in Dix Hills, NY, in 2013 when he smashed into a mail­box. He plead­ed guilty and was sen­tenced to three years of probation.

Now, he is fac­ing four counts of sec­ond-degree mur­der and oth­er charges in the lat­est incident.

Families Decline to Comment

Fam­i­lies of the Hawaii Nail & Spa vic­tims either declined to com­ment or weren’t imme­di­ate­ly reachable. 

The self-cen­tered dri­ver’s lack of remorse and repeat­ed drunk dri­ving offens­es are like­ly to leave the com­mu­ni­ty out­raged and the vic­tims’ loved ones seek­ing justice.

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