Dude Dies After Cops Bust Him Fleeing Crash

Dude Dies After Cops Bust Him Fleeing Crash
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Dude bolt­ed from a bad one-car wreck in Can­ton, Ohio on Thurs­day night. Cops chased him down and things got cray. 53-year-old Frank Tyson alleged­ly went HAM on the offi­cers before they final­ly cuffed him. Sad­ly, things went down­hill fast.

Tyson stopped respond­ing and cops hit him with CPR and Nar­can, but it was­n’t enough. He was rushed to the hos­pi­tal but pro­nounced dead. RIP The Ohio Bureau of Crim­i­nal Inves­ti­ga­tion is on the scene to fig­ure out what exact­ly hap­pened. ️‍♂️

The two offi­cers involved are on paid leave while the inves­ti­ga­tion gets under­way. ‍♂️ Can­ton May­or released a state­ment say­ing they’ll be trans­par­ent and release body­cam footage ASAP. ️ They also offered con­do­lences to Tyson’s fam­i­ly. This sit­u­a­tion is messed up, stay tuned for updates!

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