Botched Colonoscopy Procedures
Dr. IshÂwari Prasad, 84, has been disÂciÂplined by the FloriÂda Board of MedÂiÂcine after two probÂlemÂatÂic colonoscopy proÂceÂdures at the TamÂpa AmbuÂlaÂtoÂry Surgery CenÂter in June 2023.
In one case, he impropÂerÂly delÂeÂgatÂed medÂical tasks to an unliÂcensed surÂgiÂcal tech, while in the othÂer, he began the proÂceÂdure before the patient was fulÂly sedated.
Doctorâs Failure to Hear Patientâs Screams
The comÂplaint states that durÂing the secÂond proÂceÂdure, the patient began to scream in pain, but Prasad did not stop the proÂceÂdure immediately.
The reaÂson was that Prasad was not wearÂing his hearÂing aids and could not hear the patienÂtâs cries for help.
Routine Delegation of Medical Tasks
The invesÂtiÂgaÂtion also revealed that Prasad rouÂtineÂly delÂeÂgatÂed a variÂety of medÂical tasks, includÂing scope manipÂuÂlaÂtion and polyp removal, to the unliÂcensed surÂgiÂcal tech, âbecause Dr. Prasad is unable to perÂform them himself.â
Disciplinary Measures and Probation
As a result of the inciÂdents, Prasad has been placed on proÂbaÂtion by the FloriÂda Board of MedÂiÂcine. He has been fined $7,500 and must pay an addiÂtionÂal $6,301 in case costs. Prasad will also be required to take a five-hour conÂtinÂuÂing medÂical eduÂcaÂtion class before August 2025.
DurÂing his proÂbaÂtionÂary periÂod, Prasad will not be allowed to perÂform any medÂical proÂceÂdures on his own until he is evalÂuÂatÂed for comÂpeÂtenÂcy or comÂpletes 10 gasÂtroenÂterolÂoÂgy proÂceÂdures under the superÂviÂsion of anothÂer physician.
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