Elementary School Teacher Caught Filming Porn in Classroom, as Same School Faces Suspected Homicide of Second Female Staffer

Elementary School Teacher Caught Filming Porn in Classroom, as Same School Faces Suspected Homicide of Second Female Staffer
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An ele­men­tary school teacher in Texas has resigned after being caught film­ing explic­it videos on school prop­er­ty. The rev­e­la­tions come as the same school is now rocked by the sus­pect­ed homi­cide of anoth­er female staff member.

The uniden­ti­fied teacher admit­ted to film­ing at least two porn clips at Gray Ele­men­tary School near Hous­ton, claim­ing she sent them to an ex-boyfriend who then shared them as revenge porn. She insists the videos were record­ed on a week­end when no chil­dren were present.

How­ev­er, the teacher’s actions have sparked out­rage in the com­mu­ni­ty. Activist Quanell X described the footage as “absolute­ly appalling” and “a dis­grace”, argu­ing the woman should nev­er be allowed to work around chil­dren again. 

Fel­low activist Can­dice Matthews echoed these calls, demand­ing the Texas Edu­ca­tion Agency block the teacher from work­ing in any oth­er district.

The bomb­shell rev­e­la­tions come just days after it was report­ed that anoth­er staff mem­ber at the same school, Ear­ly Child­hood Spe­cial Edu­ca­tion Aide Lau­ra Smith, was found dead in her home in a sus­pect­ed homicide.

Smith’s hus­band, who worked for the local con­sta­ble’s office, abrupt­ly resigned after news of his wife’s death emerged.

The school dis­trict has not com­ment­ed on whether the two inci­dents are relat­ed. But the dis­turb­ing events have left the com­mu­ni­ty reel­ing, with calls for urgent action to ensure the safe­ty and well­be­ing of stu­dents and staff.

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