Elle Macpherson, 60, Reveals Secret Breast Cancer Battle and Holistic Approach to Treatment

Elle Macpherson, 60, Reveals Secret Breast Cancer Battle and Holistic Approach to Treatment
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Elle Macpher­son, the renowned Aus­tralian super­mod­el, has revealed that she secret­ly bat­tled breast can­cer sev­en years ago and is now in remis­sion, despite refus­ing to under­go tra­di­tion­al med­ical treat­ments rec­om­mend­ed by 32 doctors.

Macpherson’s Holistic Approach to Cancer Treatment

In her upcom­ing mem­oir, Macpher­son details how she opt­ed for a holis­tic approach to her can­cer diag­no­sis, includ­ing rent­ing a house in Phoenix, Ari­zona for eight months to “holis­ti­cal­ly treat” her condition. 

This deci­sion was made against the advice of her fam­i­ly and the doc­tors, who rec­om­mend­ed a mas­tec­to­my, radi­a­tion, chemother­a­py, and hor­mone therapy.

Rejection of Conventional Cancer Treatments

Macpher­son explains that she prayed and med­i­tat­ed on a beach in Mia­mi, where she con­clud­ed that she did not want to treat her can­cer with pharmaceuticals.

Instead, she chose an “intu­itive, heart-led, holis­tic approach” that “res­onat­ed” with her, focus­ing on address­ing both the emo­tion­al and phys­i­cal aspects of her diagnosis.

Reactions from Family and Ex-Partner

Macpher­son­’s deci­sion to for­go tra­di­tion­al can­cer treat­ments was met with mixed reac­tions from her family. 

Her younger son ful­ly sup­port­ed her choice, believ­ing that chemother­a­py was “a kiss of death.” How­ev­er, her old­er son, Fly­nn, was not com­fort­able with her decision.

Her ex-part­ner, Arpad “Arki” Bus­son, the father of her two sons, wrote a let­ter express­ing his pride in her courage despite not agree­ing with her methods.

Macpherson’s Health and Wellness Routine

In the years since her can­cer diag­no­sis, Macpher­son has imple­ment­ed a strict health and well­ness reg­i­men, which includes reg­u­lar med­i­ta­tion, cold plunges, infrared sauna ses­sions, and a plant-based diet.

She cred­its these lifestyle changes with help­ing her achieve “utter well­ness” and remain in “clin­i­cal remission.”

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