In a starÂtling inciÂdent in Erie, PennÂsylÂvaÂnia, a case of misÂtakÂen idenÂtiÂty led to a famÂiÂly memÂber being shot. MarÂquel A. Duck, 24, is now facÂing seriÂous legal conÂseÂquences after firÂing at his cousin, whom he misÂtook for an intrudÂer in his home.
Shooting Incident Details
On FriÂday evening, Erie police respondÂed to a report of a gunÂshot vicÂtim at UPMC Hamot. The vicÂtim, a 19-year-old male, had been driÂven to the hosÂpiÂtal by Duck himÂself. AccordÂing to police reports, the shootÂing occurred shortÂly after 7:30 p.m. at DuckÂâs East Avenue residence.
Shooterâs Account and Legal Charges
Duck admitÂted to invesÂtiÂgaÂtors that he fired the shot out of fear, believÂing a burÂglar had entered his home.
The cousin was struck in both the arm and abdomen, requirÂing immeÂdiÂate surÂgiÂcal interÂvenÂtion. As a result of this inciÂdent, Duck is now facÂing charges of aggraÂvatÂed assault, among others.
Victimâs Condition and Ongoing Investigation
As of MonÂday mornÂing, updatÂed inforÂmaÂtion on the shootÂing vicÂtimâs conÂdiÂtion was not availÂable. The inciÂdent highÂlights the potenÂtial danÂgers of misidenÂtiÂfiÂcaÂtion in high-stress sitÂuÂaÂtions and the imporÂtance of propÂer home secuÂriÂty measures.
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