After an intense manÂhunt, the search for forÂmer YakiÂma Police offiÂcer Elias Huizar has come to a tragÂic end.
Huizar was wantÂed in conÂnecÂtion with the alleged killings of his ex-wife and girlÂfriend, as well as the abducÂtion of his one-year-old son. On TuesÂday, authorÂiÂties conÂfirmed that Huizar had died from a self-inflictÂed gunÂshot wound durÂing a police purÂsuit in OreÂgon. ThankÂfulÂly, the child was found safe.
The search for Huizar began after the bodÂies of his ex-wife, PriscilÂla Huizar, and his girlÂfriend, LauÂra Isabel Nunez, were disÂcovÂered in sepÂaÂrate locaÂtions in WashÂingÂton state. An Amber Alert was issued for Huizarâs one-year-old son, who was believed to have been takÂen by his father.
Law enforceÂment agenÂcies in WashÂingÂton, OreÂgon, and othÂer jurisÂdicÂtions colÂlabÂoÂratÂed to locate Huizar and ensure the safeÂty of the child. Their efforts ultiÂmateÂly led to the disÂcovÂery of Huizarâs vehiÂcle in OreÂgon. Upon being conÂfrontÂed by police, Huizar reportÂedÂly took his own life.
As the invesÂtiÂgaÂtion conÂtinÂues, authorÂiÂties are relieved to have found the child unharmed, but mourn the loss of life in this tragÂic case.
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