Ex-Teacher Admits She Had Sex with Her 15-Year-Old Student

Ex-Teacher Admits She Had Sex with Her 15-Year-Old Student
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A for­mer teacher in Ari­zona has plead­ed guilty to charges of sex­u­al con­duct with a minor and attempt­ed sex­u­al con­duct with a minor, admit­ting to engag­ing in sex­u­al acts with her 15-year-old male student. 

The teacher, 28-year-old Andee Lantz, had been work­ing at Cop­per­view Ele­men­tary School in Sahuari­ta when the rela­tion­ship began in March 2022.

Accord­ing to court doc­u­ments, Lantz con­fessed to engag­ing in sex­u­al acts with the stu­dent in her home and car on mul­ti­ple occa­sions. She was also aware that the stu­dent had record­ed some of their encounters.

The rela­tion­ship came to light when the stu­den­t’s moth­er dis­cov­ered explic­it videos of Lantz and her son on his phone. She imme­di­ate­ly con­tact­ed the author­i­ties, lead­ing to Lantz’s arrest.

Lantz ini­tial­ly plead­ed not guilty to the charges but lat­er changed her plea. As part of her plea agree­ment, she faces a prison sen­tence rang­ing from two to sev­en years.

The case high­lights the impor­tance of main­tain­ing appro­pri­ate bound­aries between teach­ers and stu­dents and the severe con­se­quences that can result when those bound­aries are crossed.

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