Family Court Dispute Linked to Deadly Car Crash that Killed Mother and Four Children

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New details have emerged in the trag­ic case of Char­maine McLeod and her four chil­dren who died in a fiery crash on the Bun­ya High­way in 2019. The inquest into their deaths revealed that police believed the crash was a mur­der-sui­cide relat­ed to fam­i­ly court pro­ceed­ings. The case also exposed alle­ga­tions of domes­tic abuse and child sex­u­al assault.

An eight-page hand­writ­ten note found in Charmaine’s hand­bag after the crash blamed the court sys­tem and lack of help for domes­tic abuse vic­tims and chil­dren. Police believed this note was cen­tral to the the­o­ry that the crash was a murder-suicide.

Dur­ing the inquest, it was revealed that Char­maine had report­ed her abu­sive hus­band, James McLeod, for sex­u­al assault. How­ev­er, no alle­ga­tions against him were ever proven. Police did not pur­sue the alle­ga­tions and one offi­cer even believed that one of the alle­ga­tions was “com­plete­ly fabricated.”

Tes­ti­monies from friends and a child­care work­er also revealed alle­ga­tions of child sex­u­al assault. One friend over­heard a police offi­cer tell Char­maine that an inves­ti­ga­tion into an alle­ga­tion of sex­u­al assault against her daugh­ter had been dropped due to the belief that the child had been coached on what to say. The for­mer child­care work­er tes­ti­fied that one of Charmaine’s sons had twice demand­ed that oth­er chil­dren engage in sex­u­al behav­ior and had approached her with a knife.

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