Fashion Icon Rachel Zoe Announces Divorce from Husband After 26 Years of Marriage

Fashion Icon Rachel Zoe Announces Divorce from Husband After 26 Years of Marriage
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Zoe’s Divorce Announcement

Renowned fash­ion design­er and celebri­ty styl­ist Rachel Zoe has announced her divorce from her hus­band of 26 years, Rodger Berman. 

The high-pro­file cou­ple, who rose to fame through their hit Bra­vo real­i­ty show “The Rachel Zoe Project,” are end­ing their long-term partnership.

Zoe, 52, broke the news on her offi­cial Insta­gram account, stat­ing, “After 26 years of adven­ture, love, and friend­ship, Rodger and I have decid­ed to end our marriage.

This was an incred­i­bly dif­fi­cult deci­sion, but we remain deeply con­nect­ed, lov­ing par­ents to our sons, and will con­tin­ue to cham­pi­on and sup­port each oth­er’s life journeys.”

Zoe’s Fashion Empire

Over the course of her illus­tri­ous career, Rachel Zoe has estab­lished her­self as a true fash­ion icon, dress­ing some of Hol­ly­wood’s biggest stars and build­ing a mul­ti­mil­lion-dol­lar fash­ion and lifestyle empire. 

She co-found­ed the Rachel Zoe Col­lec­tion, a lux­u­ry ready-to-wear and acces­sories brand, and has authored mul­ti­ple best-sell­ing books on fash­ion and styling.

Zoe’s per­son­al life has also been in the spot­light, with her and Berman’s rela­tion­ship chron­i­cled on their hit real­i­ty show, which ran for five sea­sons from 2008 to 2013. 

The cou­ple has two sons togeth­er, Skyler and Kaius, who have also been fea­tured promi­nent­ly in their fam­i­ly’s pub­lic life.

Impact on the Fashion Industry

The announce­ment of Zoe and Berman’s divorce is sure to send shock­waves through the fash­ion indus­try, where the cou­ple have been fix­tures for decades. 

As a trail­blaz­ing styl­ist and design­er, Zoe has had a pro­found impact on the world of fash­ion, help­ing to shape trends and styles that have been wide­ly emulated.

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