Wrong-Way Driver Causes Deadly Collision on Henry Hudson Parkway
In a devÂasÂtatÂing inciÂdent on August 24, 2024, a wrong-way driÂver caused a fatal crash on the HenÂry HudÂson ParkÂway in Harlem, New York City. The colÂliÂsion, which occurred around 2:20 a.m. near West 154th Street, resultÂed in the deaths of two men and left law enforceÂment searchÂing for the fleeÂing driver.
Victims and Vehicle Details
The vicÂtims, travÂelÂing in a black Dodge sedan with New JerÂsey plates, were tragÂiÂcalÂly killed in the crash:
- DriÂver: A 40-year-old man, proÂnounced dead at Harlem Hospital
- PasÂsenÂger: A 33-year-old man, proÂnounced dead at ColumÂbia PresÂbyÂterÂian Hospital
The wrong-way vehiÂcle, a pickÂup truck with Ontario, CanaÂda plates, colÂlidÂed head-on with the Dodge sedan, causÂing catÂaÂstrophÂic damage.
Aftermath and Escape
FolÂlowÂing the collision:
- The pickÂup truck burst into flames, requirÂing fireÂfightÂer intervention
- Both the driÂver and pasÂsenÂger of the pickÂup truck fled the scene
- Police appreÂhendÂed the pasÂsenÂger approxÂiÂmateÂly 30 feet from the crash site
- The driÂver remains at large, with an ongoÂing search underway
Additional Damage and Injuries
The crash also affectÂed othÂer vehicles:
- A black Audi susÂtained front-end damage
- The Audi driÂver received treatÂment for minor injuries at the scene
- An SUV was reportÂedÂly damÂaged, though no addiÂtionÂal injuries were reported
Ongoing Investigation
The NYPD is activeÂly invesÂtiÂgatÂing the inciÂdent. As of now:
- No arrests have been made
- The idenÂtiÂties of the vicÂtims have not been released, pendÂing famÂiÂly notification
- The pasÂsenÂger of the pickÂup truck is in cusÂtody but has not been pubÂlicly identified
This tragÂic event serves as a stark reminder of the danÂgers of wrong-way driÂving and the devÂasÂtatÂing conÂseÂquences it can have on innoÂcent lives. The search for the fleeÂing driÂver conÂtinÂues as authorÂiÂties work to bring cloÂsure to the vicÂtimsâ famÂiÂlies and ensure jusÂtice is served.
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