Fellow NYC Subway Vigilante Says Daniel Penny Should Be Convicted for Jordan Neely Killing

Fellow NYC Subway Vigilante Says Daniel Penny Should Be Convicted for Jordan Neely Killing
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Jor­dan Williams, a for­mer FedEx work­er who made head­lines for killing a man who attacked his girl­friend on a Brook­lyn sub­way, has shared his per­spec­tive on the high-pro­file case of Daniel Penny.

Pen­ny, a for­mer U.S. Marine, is fac­ing manslaugh­ter charges for the death of Jor­dan Neely on a Man­hat­tan F train.

Williams, 21, told the New York Post that he feels no empa­thy for Pen­ny and hopes he is con­vict­ed. “He’s a for­mer Marine or what­ev­er, that’s cool, you served the country. 

But just because you serve the coun­try, that does­n’t mean you get to come back into the coun­try and attack ran­dom peo­ple in the coun­try for no rea­son,” Williams said.

Unlike Pen­ny’s case, the charges against Williams were ulti­mate­ly dropped after video evi­dence showed the man he killed was the aggressor. 

Williams believes “racism and dis­crim­i­na­tion” played a role in the dif­fer­ing out­comes, not­ing that a GoFundMe for Pen­ny raised mil­lions while his own fundrais­er gar­nered only around $120,000.

Williams argues that the two cas­es are fun­da­men­tal­ly dif­fer­ent, as Neely “did­n’t touch any­body” and “did­n’t do any­thing,” while Pen­ny “attacked a man for no rea­son.” He is crit­i­cal of those “want­i­ng him to get released,” stat­ing that Pen­ny should be con­vict­ed for his actions.

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