Fired Texas Children’s Hospital Nurse Exposes Federal Funding of Gender-Affirming Care for Minors

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Whistleblower Nurse Fired

Vanes­sa Sivadge, a 31-year-old Chris­t­ian nurse, has been fired by Texas Chil­dren’s Hos­pi­tal after she exposed the hos­pi­tal’s alleged use of fed­er­al fund­ing to cov­er minors’ cross-sex hor­mones and puber­ty block­ers, despite state laws pro­hibit­ing such procedures. 

Sivadge announced her ter­mi­na­tion on social media, argu­ing that the hos­pi­tal’s deci­sion was unlaw­ful retal­i­a­tion for her whistleblowing.

Allegations of Medicaid Fraud

Sivadge claimed that the hos­pi­tal was charg­ing Med­ic­aid to cov­er gen­der-affirm­ing treat­ments for chil­dren, which she asserts is against state law. 

She came for­ward with these alle­ga­tions after anoth­er whistle­blow­er, Dr. Ethan Haim, leaked med­ical records sug­gest­ing the hos­pi­tal con­tin­ued pro­vid­ing these pro­ce­dures even after pub­licly stat­ing they had stopped.

Religious Accommodation Request Denied

Sivadge also alleged that the hos­pi­tal refused her request for a reli­gious accom­mo­da­tion to be trans­ferred out of the endocrinol­o­gy clin­ic, where she claimed she was forced to indi­rect­ly par­tic­i­pate in the care of chil­dren receiv­ing cross-sex hormones. 

She believes this con­tributed to the hos­pi­tal’s deci­sion to ter­mi­nate her employment.

Concerns Over Political Weaponization of Federal Agencies

Sivadge now argues that she is the vic­tim of polit­i­cal weaponiza­tion, claim­ing that after she came for­ward with her alle­ga­tions, FBI agents vis­it­ed her home and told her “they could make [her] life dif­fi­cult” and that she was “not safe” unless she helped them. 

She fears this type of fed­er­al gov­ern­ment over­reach will con­tin­ue under a poten­tial Kamala Har­ris presidency.

The fir­ing of this Chris­t­ian whistle­blow­er nurse has raised con­cerns over the use of fed­er­al funds for gen­der-affirm­ing care for minors, as well as the poten­tial for polit­i­cal retal­i­a­tion against those who expose alleged wrongdoing. 

Sivadge’s case high­lights the ongo­ing debate sur­round­ing trans­gen­der health­care for chil­dren and the role of gov­ern­ment over­sight and pro­tec­tion for whistleblowers.

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