A FloriÂda heliÂcopter pilot, Ernesto Cordero, has been charged with harassÂing proÂtectÂed birds after landÂing on a closed shoreÂbird nestÂing site at Egmont Key State Park. The FloriÂda Fish and Wildlife ConÂserÂvaÂtion ComÂmisÂsion (FWC) citÂed Cordero for the incident.
Egmont Key is a critÂiÂcal wildlife refuge for varÂiÂous shoreÂbird species like black skimÂmers and sandÂwich terns. WitÂnessÂes reportÂed a woman exitÂing the heliÂcopter and takÂing phoÂtos at the nestÂing site, furÂther disÂturbÂing the birds.
Cordero claimed a fuel leak necesÂsiÂtatÂed the landÂing but didÂnât report an emerÂgency. The FWC believes the heliÂcopterâs blades might have damÂaged bird eggs.
âThese nestÂing areas are vital for shoreÂbirds,â said HubÂbardâs MariÂna Capt. Robyn Lela, stressÂing the imporÂtance of respectÂing wildlife habitats.
Cordero faces a misÂdeÂmeanor charge for harassÂing nestÂing birds, landÂing in a state park, and enterÂing a closed area. His court date is set for July 1st.
Audubon FloriÂda emphaÂsized the ecoÂlogÂiÂcal valÂue of these birds and the need to proÂtect their habiÂtats. This inciÂdent underÂscores the need to balÂance human activÂiÂty with wildlife preservation.
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