Doctorâs License Suspended After Tragic Surgical Error
The FloriÂda SurÂgeon GenÂerÂal has susÂpendÂed the medÂical license of Dr. Thomas J. Shakvovksy, a pracÂticÂing OsteoÂpathÂic PhysiÂcian at AscenÂsion Sacred Heart EmerÂald Coast HosÂpiÂtal, after he was accused of removÂing a patienÂtâs livÂer instead of the spleen, resultÂing in the patienÂtâs death.
Alleged Surgical Mistake and Fabricated Records
AccordÂing to the emerÂgency order, Shakvovksy was accused of ârepeatÂed egreÂgious surÂgiÂcal errorsâ and âegreÂgious conÂduct of fabÂriÂcatÂing medÂical recordsâ in the August 21 death of 70-year-old William Bryan. The order states that Shakvovksy allegedÂly removed Bryanâs livÂer instead of the spleen, leadÂing to âimmeÂdiÂate and catÂaÂstrophÂic death.â
Patientâs Death Ruled a Homicide
Bryanâs death was ruled a homiÂcide due to âlivÂer removed durÂing splenecÂtoÂmy,â accordÂing to the famÂiÂlyâs lawyers at ZarzaÂur Law P.A. The law firm statÂed that the news is âdevÂasÂtatÂing for the healthÂcare indusÂtry, as the operÂatÂing room is meant to be a place of the highÂest levÂel of patient care.â
Previous Surgical Error and Attempt to Cover Up
The order also includÂed a preÂviÂous surgery in May 2023 where Shakvovksy allegedÂly removed a porÂtion of a patienÂtâs panÂcreas instead of the left adrenÂal gland, resultÂing in âlong-term, perÂmaÂnent harm.â The order states that Shakvovksy then attemptÂed to covÂer up his misÂtake by fabÂriÂcatÂing medÂical records and conÂvincÂing staff to label the removed organ as the spleen.
Lack of Skill and Dishonesty Cited
The SurÂgeon GenÂerÂal argued that Shakvovksyâs âblaÂtant disÂreÂgard for the truth, falÂsiÂfiÂcaÂtion of an operÂaÂtive report, and attempt to conÂvince OR staff to acquiÂesce to his verÂsion of events is a breach of the pubÂlic trust.â The order statÂed that Shakvovksyâs âdisÂhonÂesty canÂnot be conÂtained to only operÂaÂtive reportsâ and that the pubÂlicâs trust in him has been âirrevÂoÂcaÂbly broken.â
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