Ex-Doctor Pleads Guilty to Manslaughter for Assisting Suicide
An 85-year-old forÂmer docÂtor from AriÂzona, Stephen Miller, pleadÂed guilty to manslaughÂter on TuesÂday for helpÂing a woman comÂmit suiÂcide in an upstate New York motel room.
The 59-year-old woman, idenÂtiÂfied as Doreen BrodÂhead, was found dead by houseÂkeepÂing staff at a Super 8 motel in Kingston last November.
Assisted Suicide Case Sheds Light on Legal and Ethical Debates
BrodÂheadÂâs cause of death was âby means of assistÂed suiÂcide,â accordÂing to the Ulster CounÂty DisÂtrict AttorÂneyâs Office.
Miller had travÂeled from his home in TucÂson, AriÂzona, to the HudÂson ValÂley after six months of counÂselÂing and speakÂing with BrodÂhead about the debilÂiÂtatÂing neck and back pain she had been livÂing with for decades.
He proÂvidÂed âvery slight techÂniÂcal assisÂtanceâ to BrodÂhead after she reached out to him due to his work with the right-to-die advoÂcaÂcy group, Choice and Dignity.
Under New York law, intenÂtionÂalÂly causÂing or aidÂing anothÂer perÂsonÂâs suiÂcide is illeÂgal. HowÂevÂer, Millerâs lawyer argued that while he techÂniÂcalÂly vioÂlatÂed the law, he did nothÂing moralÂly wrong in assistÂing Brodhead.
Plea Deal Spares Former Doctor from Jail Time
Miller origÂiÂnalÂly pleadÂed not guilty to the manslaughÂter count and two assault charges folÂlowÂing his arrest in February.
As part of a plea deal, the assault charges were dropped, and he was senÂtenced to five years of proÂbaÂtion instead of facÂing a potenÂtial 25-year prison term if conÂvictÂed on all counts.
The forÂmer docÂtor, who had lost his medÂical license after a tax fraud conÂvicÂtion in Texas in 2006, said he will not proÂvide assistÂed suiÂcide assisÂtance in the future, as âthat part of his life is over.â
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