Betrayal of Trust: Teacher Assaults Adopted Student
JesÂsiÂca LawÂson, a 36-year-old forÂmer teacher at South FreÂmont High School in IdaÂho, has been senÂtenced to prison for sexÂuÂalÂly assaultÂing a 16-year-old boy who had just been adoptÂed by a local famÂiÂly just days before the incident.
Charges and Sentencing
LawÂson acceptÂed a plea deal for felony sexÂuÂal batÂtery and rape of a minor charges. She will serve 2 to 20 years in prison and must regÂisÂter as a sex offendÂer, in addiÂtion to attendÂing sex offendÂer treatÂment. A no-conÂtact order has also been placed against the vicÂtim for 20 years.
Substance Abuse and Exploitation
AuthorÂiÂties found that LawÂson had givÂen the teen marÂiÂjuaÂna and alcoÂhol before sexÂuÂalÂly assaultÂing him. The boy was driÂving LawÂsonâs car when police pulled them over, with LawÂson being âtoo drunk to drive.â
Victimâs Vulnerable Background
The vicÂtimâs adopÂtive parÂents expressed how their son, who had been in and out of the fosÂter care sysÂtem, was still learnÂing to difÂferÂenÂtiÂate between safe and unsafe sitÂuÂaÂtions. They believe LawÂson took advanÂtage of his vulnerability.
Disparity in Sentencing Perception
The vicÂtimâs parÂents felt LawÂson would have received a harshÂer senÂtence if she were male or if the vicÂtim had been a girl. HowÂevÂer, the judge denied this, sparkÂing furÂther outÂrage over perÂceived inequities in the jusÂtice system.
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