Former High School Coach Arrested for Alleged Sexual Misconduct
Jonathan Xavier Cabral, a 24-year-old forÂmer assisÂtant track coach from FullerÂton, CalÂiÂforÂnia, has been arrestÂed on charges of sexÂuÂal misÂconÂduct with a minor.
The LaguÂna Beach Police DepartÂment announced the arrest, which took place on August 14, 2023.
Details of the Alleged Crime
Cabral, who preÂviÂousÂly worked as a walk-on assisÂtant track coach at Foothill High School in North Tustin, is accused of engagÂing in sexÂuÂal relaÂtions with a 14-year-old girl. AccordÂing to police reports, the susÂpect allegedÂly met the vicÂtim online before arrangÂing in-perÂson meetÂings in LaguÂna Beach for âsex and othÂer lewd and lasÂcivÂiÂous acts.â
Police Investigation and Charges
DetecÂtives were notiÂfied of the alleged inciÂdents on July 27, 2023. At the time, Cabral was already under invesÂtiÂgaÂtion. The arrest on August 14 resultÂed in mulÂtiÂple charges, including:
- StatuÂtoÂry rape
- MeetÂing with a minor for lewd purposes
- PosÂsesÂsion of child pornography
- VarÂiÂous othÂer relatÂed charges
Bail and Ongoing Investigation
FolÂlowÂing his arrest, Cabral was released on a $100,000 bail. The LaguÂna Beach Police DepartÂment believes there may be addiÂtionÂal vicÂtims who have not yet come forÂward. They are urgÂing anyÂone with inforÂmaÂtion to conÂtact the authorities.
Importance of Reporting and Prevention
This case highÂlights the critÂiÂcal need for vigÂiÂlance in proÂtectÂing minors from sexÂuÂal predaÂtors, espeÂcialÂly in eduÂcaÂtionÂal setÂtings. It also underÂscores the imporÂtance of monÂiÂtorÂing online interÂacÂtions between adults and minors.
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