Former Trump Aide Embroiled in Bitter Divorce Amid Allegations of Drug Use

Former Trump Aide Embroiled in Bitter Divorce Amid Allegations of Drug Use
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Divorce Turns Ugly for Ex-Trump Aide

Ohio Rep. Max Miller, a for­mer aide to for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump, is entan­gled in a bit­ter divorce from his wife, Emi­ly Moreno. 

The cou­ple, who mar­ried just two years ago, are now at odds over alle­ga­tions of drug use and oth­er seri­ous claims.

Wife Accuses Husband of Drug Use

Accord­ing to the court fil­ings, Emi­ly Moreno has accused her estranged hus­band of reg­u­lar­ly using drugs. She has also claimed that Miller has been “speak­ing poor­ly” of her family. 

These alle­ga­tions prompt­ed Moreno to abrupt­ly move out of their shared home and pur­chase a new prop­er­ty with­out Miller’s knowledge.

Miller Denies Claims, Cites Custody Dispute

In his response, Miller has denied his wife’s claims of drug use and has stat­ed that Moreno has been “refus­ing to let him see their daugh­ter” with­out her presence. 

The con­gress­man has also accused Moreno of mak­ing “base­less” claims that he would try to “abscond” with their child.

Messy Aftermath of a Rapid Relationship

The cou­ple’s rela­tion­ship has rapid­ly dete­ri­o­rat­ed just two years after their lav­ish wed­ding at for­mer Pres­i­dent Trump’s Bed­min­ster golf club, where Trump him­self spoke. 

The union pro­duced a daugh­ter, Ruth, who is now at the cen­ter of the con­tentious cus­tody dispute.

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