Fullerton Pastor Arrested on Child Sexual Abuse Charges
Juan BarÂrios, a pasÂtor from FullerÂton, CalÂiÂforÂnia, was arrestÂed over the weekÂend folÂlowÂing alleÂgaÂtions of long-term sexÂuÂal abuse against two brothers.
The RiverÂside Police DepartÂment iniÂtiÂatÂed an invesÂtiÂgaÂtion in May 2024 after receivÂing reports of the alleged assaults.
Allegations Span Multiple Years
The iniÂtial report came from a man who claimed BarÂrios, his pasÂtor, had sexÂuÂalÂly abused him for years, startÂing when he was just nine years old. FolÂlowÂing this revÂeÂlaÂtion, the vicÂtimâs younger brothÂer also came forÂward with simÂiÂlar alleÂgaÂtions of abuse.
Timeline of Alleged Abuse
AccordÂing to the vicÂtimsâ stateÂments, the abuse occurred between 2009 and 2015. DurÂing this periÂod, the brothÂersâ famÂiÂly was residÂing with BarÂrios at his home in RiverÂside, California.
Arrest and Release
AuthorÂiÂties arrestÂed BarÂrios on SunÂday. HowÂevÂer, he has since been released on a $500,000 bond. The pasÂtor has been affilÂiÂatÂed with IgleÂsia de Dios IsraeliÂta in Fullerton.
Concerns of Additional Victims
GivÂen BarÂriosâ posiÂtion as a pasÂtor and the nature of the accuÂsaÂtions, law enforceÂment offiÂcials believe there may be othÂer vicÂtims who have not yet come forward.
They are encourÂagÂing anyÂone with inforÂmaÂtion to conÂtact the authorities.
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