Fullerton Pastor Arrested: Allegations of Long-Term Child Sexual Abuse Surface

Fullerton Pastor Arrested: Allegations of Long-Term Child Sexual Abuse Surface
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Fullerton Pastor Arrested on Child Sexual Abuse Charges

Juan Bar­rios, a pas­tor from Fuller­ton, Cal­i­for­nia, was arrest­ed over the week­end fol­low­ing alle­ga­tions of long-term sex­u­al abuse against two brothers. 

The River­side Police Depart­ment ini­ti­at­ed an inves­ti­ga­tion in May 2024 after receiv­ing reports of the alleged assaults.

Allegations Span Multiple Years

The ini­tial report came from a man who claimed Bar­rios, his pas­tor, had sex­u­al­ly abused him for years, start­ing when he was just nine years old. Fol­low­ing this rev­e­la­tion, the vic­tim’s younger broth­er also came for­ward with sim­i­lar alle­ga­tions of abuse.

Timeline of Alleged Abuse

Accord­ing to the vic­tims’ state­ments, the abuse occurred between 2009 and 2015. Dur­ing this peri­od, the broth­ers’ fam­i­ly was resid­ing with Bar­rios at his home in River­side, California.

Arrest and Release

Author­i­ties arrest­ed Bar­rios on Sun­day. How­ev­er, he has since been released on a $500,000 bond. The pas­tor has been affil­i­at­ed with Igle­sia de Dios Israeli­ta in Fullerton.

Concerns of Additional Victims

Giv­en Bar­rios’ posi­tion as a pas­tor and the nature of the accu­sa­tions, law enforce­ment offi­cials believe there may be oth­er vic­tims who have not yet come forward.

They are encour­ag­ing any­one with infor­ma­tion to con­tact the authorities.

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