Georgia Shooting Suspect’s Mother Breaks Silence: A Tragic Family Story

Georgia Shooting Suspect's Mother Breaks Silence: A Tragic Family Story
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Heartbroken Mother Speaks Out

In the after­math of the dead­ly shoot­ing at Apalachee High School in Geor­gia, the moth­er of the accused 14-year-old gun­man, Colt Gray, has spo­ken out for the first time. 

Marcee Gray, vis­i­bly dev­as­tat­ed, described the sit­u­a­tion as “absolute­ly hor­ri­ble” out­side her father’s home in Fitzger­ald, Georgia.

Haunting Apology Text from Son

Marcee revealed that her son had sent her a haunt­ing apol­o­gy text mes­sage short­ly before the shoot­ing ram­page, which claimed the lives of two stu­dents and two teachers. 

How­ev­er, she declined to dis­cuss the details of the mes­sage, stat­ing she was not ready to speak about it publicly.

Troubled Family History

The Gray fam­i­ly’s his­to­ry has been marked by tur­moil, with Marcee’s father, Charles Pol­hamus, describ­ing her ex-hus­band, Col­in Gray, as an “evil” abu­sive addict who had dragged the fam­i­ly into addiction. 

Pol­hamus claimed that Col­in’s actions had set the stage for the vio­lence that unfold­ed at Apalachee High School.

Seeking Accountability and Justice

Pol­hamus expressed his belief that both Colt and Col­in Gray should face life in prison for their roles in the tragedy. 

He also called for Col­in to be giv­en the death penal­ty, stat­ing that the father “needs to rot in hell” for his alleged actions. 

The grand­fa­ther claimed that Colt did not wake up and decide to com­mit the shoot­ing, but rather was a prod­uct of the tox­ic envi­ron­ment he had been exposed to for years.

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