“Groom-to-Be Tragically Killed in NYC Wrong-Way Crash, Just One Day Before His Wedding”

"Groom-to-Be Tragically Killed in NYC Wrong-Way Crash, Just One Day Before His Wedding"
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Tragic Incident on the Eve of the Wedding

A groom-to-be was killed in a hor­ri­fy­ing wrong-way crash in Man­hat­tan ear­ly Sat­ur­day morn­ing — just one day before his wed­ding, The Post can confirm.

The Victims and the Crash

Kirk Walk­er, 38, of Man­hat­tan, was with his cousin Rob McLau­rin, 40, cel­e­brat­ing his bach­e­lor par­ty ahead of his nup­tials when their Dodge Chal­lenger was hit by a pick­up truck dri­ving the wrong way on the Hen­ry Hud­son Park­way in Harlem, accord­ing to a Face­book post. Walk­er and McLau­rin both died dur­ing the vicious col­li­sion, which left the Chal­lenger crum­pled into a shat­tered ball of metal.

Aftermath and Cancellation of the Wedding

A rep­re­sen­ta­tive at Roy­al Manor in Garfield, New Jer­sey — the venue for the wed­ding — con­firmed that the cer­e­mo­ny had been can­celed due to “a fatal crash.” A woman on social media iden­ti­fied Walk­er as a “neigh­bor­hood ‘nephew’ to all the homies in the hood” who had been out for his bach­e­lor par­ty, say­ing “he was sup­posed to get mar­ried Sunday.”

The Search for the Pickup Truck Driver

Mean­while, the dri­ver of the dead­ly wrong-way pick­up truck is still on the loose — the per­son took off short­ly after the acci­dent, as did the pick­up’s pas­sen­ger. The pas­sen­ger was col­lared about 30 feet from the crash and brought to a local hospital.

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