Gunman Taunted Victims, Said He was “Having Fun” During Colorado Massacre

Gunman Taunted Victims, Said He was "Having Fun" During Colorado Massacre
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Colorado Supermarket Shooting Perpetrator’s Disturbing Remarks

Sur­vivors of the 2021 shoot­ing inside a King Soop­ers gro­cery store in Boul­der, Col­orado have tes­ti­fied about the chill­ing demeanor of the gun­man, Ahmad Al Ali­wi Alis­sa, dur­ing his dead­ly rampage.

Phar­ma­cist Sarah Chen recount­ed hear­ing Alis­sa shout that he was “hav­ing fun” as he per­pe­trat­ed the attack.

Alissa’s Diagnosis of Treatment-Resistant Schizophrenia

Despite Alis­sa’s not guilty by rea­son of insan­i­ty plea, his attor­neys have not dis­put­ed that he was the shoot­er. Alis­sa was diag­nosed with treat­ment-resis­tant schiz­o­phre­nia fol­low­ing the hor­rif­ic mas­sacre, which left 10 peo­ple dead.

Alissa’s Alleged Hallucinations and Distorted Sense of Reality

Alis­sa’s lawyers argued that he should be found not guilty because he was not able to tell the dif­fer­ence between right and wrong at the time of the shooting. 

They claimed he expe­ri­enced hal­lu­ci­na­tions, includ­ing hear­ing scream­ing voic­es and see­ing peo­ple who were not there.

Alissa’s Methodical Approach to the Shooting

Inves­ti­ga­tors revealed that Alis­sa researched how to car­ry out a mass shoot­ing before launch­ing the attack. 

He alleged­ly tar­get­ed mov­ing peo­ple, killing most of the 10 vic­tims in just over a minute using a gun with a high-capac­i­ty magazine.

The Aftermath and Legal Proceedings

Alis­sa is charged with 10 counts of first-degree mur­der, mul­ti­ple counts of attempt­ed mur­der, and oth­er offens­es, includ­ing pos­sess­ing high-capac­i­ty ammu­ni­tion mag­a­zines banned in Colorado.

His tri­al began last week and is expect­ed to con­clude by the end of the month.

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