Horrific Child Neglect Case Uncovered in Oklahoma Home

Horrific Child Neglect Case Uncovered in Oklahoma Home
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Shocking Conditions Found by Police

Dako­ta Dodd, 24, and Aubri­an­na Free­man, 22, were arrest­ed in Okla­homa City after police respond­ed to a tip and found their two young sons, ages 3 and 4, cov­ered in dried feces in a hor­rif­ic liv­ing environment.

Author­i­ties said the home was so revolt­ing they had to wear haz­mat suits.

Children Found Covered in Waste

Accord­ing to the police report, the chil­dren had “feces caked into their fin­ger­nail beds, palms of their hands, feet, legs, and faces.” Piles of human waste were found through­out the home, includ­ing on the sec­ond floor and bed­room floors.

Stepfather Admits to Locking Children in Room

Dodd, the boys’ step­fa­ther, alleged­ly told police he would lock the chil­dren in a bed­room for over 12 hours a day so the moth­er, Free­man, could sleep. He claimed this was to “keep the kids safe due to the neighborhood.”

Neighbor Reported Alleged Neglect

A con­cerned neigh­bor had called the author­i­ties after see­ing the naked boys in the win­dow, say­ing “they looked at me as if to say help me” and had feces all over their faces and bodies.

Charges of Child Neglect Filed

Dodd and Free­man were both charged with five counts of child neglect. In addi­tion to the two boys, an 11-month-old baby girl, Dod­d’s bio­log­i­cal daugh­ter, was also removed from the home.

Disturbing Case Highlights Need for Reform

The hor­rif­ic con­di­tions found in the home under­score the seri­ous con­se­quences of child neglect and the need for greater aware­ness and resources to pro­tect vul­ner­a­ble youth from such abuse and deplorable liv­ing environments.

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