Hulking Florida Teen Sentenced for Brutal Attack on Teacher Over Nintendo Switch

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Sentencing for Violent Student Attack

Bren­dan Depa, an 18-year-old from Flori­da, has been sen­tenced to five years in prison for a bru­tal attack on a high school para­pro­fes­sion­al over a Nin­ten­do Switch.

The inci­dent occurred in Feb­ru­ary 2023 at Matan­zas High School in Palm Coast, Florida.

The Attack and Its Aftermath

Secu­ri­ty footage showed Depa, who stands 6 feet 6 inch­es tall and weighs 270 pounds, sprint­ing toward the female edu­ca­tor, Joan Nay­dich, and shov­ing her to the floor. He then repeat­ed­ly stomped on the uncon­scious Nay­dich and punched her 15 times before staff mem­bers were able to remove him.

Depa’s Disabilities and the School’s Role

Depa, who has autism spec­trum dis­or­der, was ini­tial­ly charged with felony aggra­vat­ed bat­tery. His adop­tive moth­er, Leanne Depa, argued that her son need­ed help and treat­ment, not prison, and blamed the school for not prop­er­ly han­dling his disabilities. 

She claimed the school was aware of his trig­gers, includ­ing hunger, noise, and elec­tron­ics, but failed to address them.

The Sentence and Victim’s Impact

Despite pleas from Depa’s moth­er and defense attor­ney, Cir­cuit Judge Ter­ence Perkins sen­tenced the teen to five years in state prison, fol­lowed by 15 years of probation. 

Nay­dich, who suf­fered phys­i­cal and emo­tion­al trau­ma from the attack, said it has caused her to lose her job of near­ly 19 years, her finan­cial secu­ri­ty, and her health insur­ance, adding that her “life will nev­er be what it was before.”

Addressing Violence in Schools

The case high­lights the ongo­ing issue of stu­dent vio­lence in schools and the need for bet­ter sup­port and resources for both stu­dents with dis­abil­i­ties and the edu­ca­tors who work with them. 

As schools con­tin­ue to grap­ple with these chal­lenges, the sen­tenc­ing of Bren­dan Depa serves as a sober­ing reminder of the con­se­quences of such attacks and the impor­tance of pri­or­i­tiz­ing the safe­ty and well-being of all mem­bers of the school community.

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