Husband Discovers Wife Eaten by Python in Horrific Indonesian Jungle Attack

Husband Discovers Wife Eaten by Python in Horrific Indonesian Jungle Attack
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A man in Indone­sia made a gris­ly dis­cov­ery when he found his wife had been killed and con­sumed by a mas­sive 30-foot python while walk­ing through the jungle.

The trag­ic inci­dent sheds light on the dan­gers lurk­ing in Indone­si­a’s dense forests, where giant snakes pose a seri­ous threat to unsus­pect­ing victims.

Husband Discovers Wife Eaten by Python in Horrific Indonesian Jungle Attack

The vic­tim, 36-year-old moth­er-of-five Siriati, was vis­it­ing her broth­er to go to the mar­ket when she was set upon by the gar­gan­tu­an reptile. 

The python sank its teeth into her leg and pro­ceed­ed to coil around her body, crush­ing her to death before start­ing to eat her.

2 men staring at the dead python

Siri­ati’s wor­ried hus­band Adi­ansa went search­ing for his wife when she failed to return, and made the hor­rif­ic dis­cov­ery of the python’s “huge bel­ly” and his wife’s slip­pers nearby.

men touching the python

He brave­ly retrieved a weapon and killed the snake, cut­ting it open to recov­er Siri­ati’s life­less body.

This lat­est attack fol­lows a sim­i­lar inci­dent last month where a 50-year-old woman named Fari­da was also found dead inside a python’s stom­ach after going miss­ing near her home. 

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